United Church of God

Holy, Righteous Character, Part 1

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Holy, Righteous Character, Part 1

MP3 Audio (26.77 MB)


Holy, Righteous Character, Part 1

MP3 Audio (26.77 MB)

Why does God require righteous character? The holy angels had to make a choice – a quest for righteous character. Man has the same quest.

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  • John Barbush
    Thanks Randy for a stimulating Study. I always appreciate your logical flow of thought. When you referenced the creation of Lucifer in Ez. 28:11-19 you mentioned the timbrels and pipes using the example of bagpipes for pipes. Of course, that's right; but also, if one looks at how a brass instrument is made, it begins with a long brass pipe and is heated and molded and bent and formed into the trumpet, cornet, trombone, F-horn, baritone, tuba, etc. These could also be a reference to pipes. The human voice is also made through the process of fleshly pipes, too. Perhaps the apparatus for an angel is similar. It certainly is for animals. Just a thought to share. Thanks again for helping anchor good thinking on the subject. John PS: would the personal conscious choice of choosing to do a God-intended activity to help us build holy righteous character be considered a Holy Activity?
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