United Church of God

How Do I Nurture and Grow the Holy Spirit?

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How Do I Nurture and Grow the Holy Spirit?

MP3 Audio (8.38 MB)


How Do I Nurture and Grow the Holy Spirit?

MP3 Audio (8.38 MB)

Tim Franke explains that we as Christians are not given the Holy Spirit by measure. God's Spirit is given equally to all upon repentance. Spiritual growth then is determined by how much we yield to and use that Spirit. On that first Pentecost, described in the book of Acts, all those gathered were filled with the Holy Spirit. However, none of these people were perfect at the moment this happened. They each had to grow in grace and knowledge during the remainder of their lives. So realize this: Christians have the Holy Spirit available in full measure just as those at that founding of the New Testament church. We need then to drink in of that living water and grow in the power of love and a sound mind, the mind of Christ. God has given us the tool, the Holy Spirit.

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