United Church of God

How Pilgrims Progress

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How Pilgrims Progress

MP3 Audio (29.38 MB)


How Pilgrims Progress

MP3 Audio (29.38 MB)

The Pilgrim’s pilgrimage to a promised land of progress has become enshrined in our national heritage dating back almost 400 years. They sought a land of promise which would become, in the words of John Winthrop, a city set on a hill. They carried with them the Book of Promise which reached back millennia and projected forward to a better time. It was this Book of Promise which brought them here and carried the vision forward. The land which they sought and the progress they envisioned drew its inspiration from journey’s past that promised a better future: Hebrews 11. This storied passage describes a definitive path which pilgrims past and pilgrims present must follow to progress toward ultimate promise.

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