United Church of God

How to Execute Righteous Judgement

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How to Execute Righteous Judgement

MP3 Audio (20.24 MB)


How to Execute Righteous Judgement

MP3 Audio (20.24 MB)

Psalms 9:6 proclaims "The Lord is known by the judgment He executes." Do our judgments match His? We are being called and trained now to one day serve under Jesus Christ to judge angels and those God will yet call into His family in the Millennium and beyond. We are in training now, not later! Do our judgments match God's? This message offers 4 vital keys towards making righteous judgments.

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  • Mavis Stucci
    This is excellent instruction. Thank you! On a side point, re Christ writing in the dust, there is a reference in the OT which would have caused the reaction among the pharisees as they recognised what He was saying by that action: it's in Jeremiah 17:13.
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