United Church of God

Humble Is a Verb

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Humble is a Verb

MP3 Audio (27.68 MB)


Humble Is a Verb

MP3 Audio (27.68 MB)

In this split sermon Steve Parker points out that king Rehoboam humbled himself but it never lasted. When things improved he turned again to trusting in himself rather than trusting in God. Mr. Parker points out that the word humble is not just an adjective,but also a verb implying action. We need to take actions in our lives that will make us humble so that God can exalt us in due time in his coming kingdom.

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  • kmihalec
    Wow! Thank you! I really needed that message. There is so much more I need to DO to be humble. This was very, very helpful in giving me an action plan.
  • storysparker
    Thank you, Kim, for this generous feedback. I pray that you find encouragement in your ongoing pursuit of the action plan. Kindly, Steve
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