United Church of God

I Just Can’t Go All-in

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I Just CAN’T Go All-in

MP3 Audio (45.3 MB)


I Just Can’t Go All-in

MP3 Audio (45.3 MB)

In this sermon Patrick McKee continues his series of sermons showing us how we can learn much from looking at how Jesus interacted with various people as recorded in the gospels. In this sermon he looks at the examples of two rulers who came to Jesus. A rich young ruler came to him and asked Jesus what he needed to do to obtain eternal life, but was then not willing to commit totally to following Jesus. A second ruler came asking Jesus to heal his daughter. This man was able to continue having faith in Jesus resulting in the healing of his daughter.

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  • KarahanD
    What a revelation of truth you spoke in this message Patrick. I saw myself in a lot of the things you said. I have had miracles performed in my life - stones of certainty that I hold onto - but I have also had scoffers when I related them, which has made me stop talking about the miracles God has performed in my life as if I needed their belief to confirm it in my mind that they happened. I have not worried about things, then I have - like a yoyo back and forth. I am going through a trial at the moment where worrying about who will look after me financially or is God hearing my prayers because I don't feel I am getting an answer. So it's good to hear how we should be walking in this Christian life. We need these life lessons all the time. May the Father bless you with a continued inspiration on what His people need to hear and that you have the heart to deliver it.
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