United Church of God

I Saw That

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I Saw That

MP3 Audio (36.61 MB)


I Saw That

MP3 Audio (36.61 MB)

A message directed to our Young Adults and Teens: In this current society if seems as if your hopes and dreams and the church can’t exist in the same scenario. However, you can be encouraged and have the hope to know that they can. God placed within your heart a desire to enjoy this life. When you stand with God, He sees your courage, He sees your heart, and He will bless your efforts of holding fast to your convictions. Don’t accept how this current corrupted culture defines success. Go to your Father and ask for help, ask for direction, ask Him to fulfill your desires, your hopes, and your dreams in a way that on He can. Be obedient, be faithful, be diligent, and be ready to forge onward when God reveals the answers you have been patiently waiting on.

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