United Church of God

In God We Must Trust

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In God We Must Trust

MP3 Audio (12.58 MB)


In God We Must Trust

MP3 Audio (12.58 MB)

Only 42% put trust in our religious institutions today, only 30% trust the public schools, and only 20% trusts the government. Americans don’t trust each other. Where did all of this mistrust start? Where do we need to put our trust?

Sermon Notes

A first belief in the reliability, truth, or belief in something.  We trust and and believe in someone, or someone’s character.  This small word of trust has many attributes.

About 1 in 5 people trust the government always or most of the time.  There is a distrust of government.  Only 42% in our religious institutions. Only 30% trust the public schools today.  Americans don’t trust each other.

Where did all of this mistrust start?

John 8:44 → Individuals were distrusting religious leaders of the day.

Satan has one goals of destroying trust.

Gen. 3:1

Satan knows the scripture very well.  He was able to cause Adam to mistrust God.  The first very big religious lie is that God only gave part of the truth.  Eve took of the fruit because of this.  Satan said that God didn’t give the full story.

Sin has a certain amount of enjoyment to it.  There is initial self-gratification.

John 8:44 → Satan is the father of the lie.

John 6:60 → Unless you drink the blood of Christ and eat His flesh, He is not within you.

We are in a life and death situation, but we have God who has all of the answers and is in control.  He who feeds on Me, will live on Me.

Many of His disciples murmured about this.  It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing.

John 6:66

John 13:27

Matt. 19:22 → Don’t forbid the little children.  Hard to have a rich man enter the kingdom.  Man trusted his more more that God.  Satan uses money to distract us.

The word ‘trust’ is used around 180 times in the Bible.  

Prov. 3:5 → Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.  If we lean on democracy to solve all of our problems, we are leaning on the wrong thing.  Abraham and Moses were great examples of trust.

Dan. 3: → Account of Mischak, Shadrach, and Abednego.in the fiery furnace.

Matt. 24:13

Luke 9:26 → We don’t want to see Christ returning and us not enduring to the end and putting our complete trust in God.

Checklist of total trust in God.





Can He do what He says

Friend and Companion?

Care for our well-being

Have resources

In God’s kingdom, trust will be the norm and distrust will not exist.

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