United Church of God

Integrity, Compassion, Inclusion

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Integrity, Compassion, Inclusion

MP3 Audio (12.41 MB)


Integrity, Compassion, Inclusion

MP3 Audio (12.41 MB)

A thorough review of the book of Ruth, how it is actually our story.  It is about a foreigner (Ruth), and old lady (Naomi), and a son of a harlot (Boaz).  It is a story with 2 bookends, the Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost. Integrity - we not only give God our best, but our all. Compassion - we not only obey the letter, but the spirit because we want to. Inclusion - God chooses a family and who to include. The story of the Bible is that God takes ordinary people to do extraordinary things to glorify Him.


"Integrity, Compassion, Inclusion"

The story of a foreigner, an old lady, a son of a harlot, and God.

A story with 2 bookends, the Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost.

Ruth is traditionally read this time of year -- it is actually our story.

Naomi left with a husband and both sons.  God at times uses adversity to work His plan (Jacob to Egypt, Abraham to Egypt, Jesus/Joseph to Egypt).  - Naomi is left hopeless in a foreign land.

"Bethlehem" - house of bread

Ruth:1:7 a pilgrimage

Ruth:1:13 Naomi brutally honest and therefore could begin to be used (v 20, also)

Ruth:1:14 Ruth clung - both physically and loyalty-wise

Ruth:1:17 Ruth totally embraced Naomi and Naomi's family.  Ruth was going to give her all, without looing back.  Ruth was turning her back on her life, culture and gods, and turning to God (a type of repentance)

Ruth:1:18 determined (like Daniel:1:8)

Ruth:1:20 Current circumstances are not always the best way to determine how God is working with us.

Ruth:1:22 recognizes Ruth's gentleness.  God will choose as He sees fit.  Barley harvest season - Days of Unleavened Bread.

Ruth:2:4 The tone is set joyously by Boaz.  Boaz played a big role in God's plan, but would not have if he hadn't obeyed the "leave gleanings" command.  See Deut:15:7-8  Boaz went beyond the letter, but thrived on the spirit of the law.

Ruth:2:10 grace comes into play.  God cares less about the origin that He does the destination.

Ruth:2:12 the 2nd part of repentance, not just turning away from your past, but turning to God in faith, no matter what the circumstances.

Ruth:2:16 A type of God as a provider, but we need to observe, notice, and pick it up.  We need to go out and look for how God is answering our prayers.

Ruth:3:15 All you say I will do - like "So Abram went"  There was an "all-ness" about Ruth (whatever your hand finds to do . . .)

Ruth:3:7 submission and surrender.  Not sexual.

Ruth:3:9 "under your wing" a type of God (Ruth:2:12).  God may put us under His wing by puttingh us under His servant's wing (Boaz, in this case).

Ruth:3:13 A type of Christ -- it is not about Boaz -- it is about Ruth and God's will.

Ruth:3:15 Boaz protected her

Ruth:3:18 Sit and waith (like Israel at the Red Sea).  Isaiah:62:1 God will do what He wants, restlessly!

Ruth was in the line of David - Jesus the ultimate redeemer - as was Boaz in the same line

Redeem land, person, family name.  Christ, the greater Boaz, redeems us from sin.  The land, lost in Eden, is redeemed by Christ.  We were all hopeless, but have been brought into the family of God.

Integrity - we not only give God our best, but our all.

Compassion - we not only obey the letter, but the spirit because we want to.

Inclusion - God chooses a family and who to include.

The story of the Bible is that God takes ordinary peopel to do extraordinary things to glorify Him.

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