United Church of God

Is "being Good" Good Enough?

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Is "Being Good" Good Enough?

MP3 Audio (39.62 MB)


Is "being Good" Good Enough?

MP3 Audio (39.62 MB)

We all can probably think of people in our lives who are naturally generous, kind, and serving individuals, but who don’t necessarily profess to be Christian. Out of the billions of people on this planet, why did God call you and me instead of these good people? Do good deeds earn eternal life, or does God expect something else? Is “being good” good enough?

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  • Len Martin
    HI Lisa, Thanks for your kind remarks. As you noted, the message was not intended to judge the world at large, but rather to admonish true follower's of Jesus Christ to pursue righteousness, because just "being good" is not good enough to be rewarded with eternal life.
  • lisabee
    Thank you for this reminder. Goodness, good works, zeal, does not equal righteousness if ALL commandments are not being followed. I know some AMAZING good people, who honestly put me to shame and I can learn from. But they throw themselves into Christmas, trinity, Easter, heaven/hell, and declare the law is done away. Their goodness is not righteousness. But wow. When their eyes are finally opened to TRUTH and the tree of LIFE, what amazing coworkers in Christ they are going to be! ❤️ Unfortunately this concept of good va Godly is a giant sticky point for so many. My aunt never was able to fathom how her good friends were not Godly. And she ultimately left the church to join them.
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