United Church of God

Is There a Place of Safety for God's People?: (Note: During Hot/humid Summer Months of Southern Arizona, We Offer the Option of Cooler “hawaiian” Wear for Attendees)

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Is There a Place of Safety for God's People?

(Note: During hot/humid summer months of Southern Arizona, we offer the option of cooler “Hawaiian” wear for attendees)

MP3 Audio (59.74 MB)


Is There a Place of Safety for God's People?: (Note: During Hot/humid Summer Months of Southern Arizona, We Offer the Option of Cooler “hawaiian” Wear for Attendees)

MP3 Audio (59.74 MB)

For many years there was speculation among the Church of God as to where God may protect His people during the Great Tribulation. Does the Bible promise protection for the Church of God during this time?

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  • linda75
    Thankyou Steve for this very comprehensive sermon and proof of God's promise of a place of safety and protection for His faithful and obedient people. This truth has been watered down since the 80's and is incredibly important in these times and a show of God's loving mercy - who would want to disprove or doubt God's promises. A few notes from Strongs Concordance on Rev 12 ... * "The Great Eagle" - "great" means exceedingly large, in the widest sense, same as the "great" in Great Tribulation, so possibly divine deliverance as in Matt 24:40 *"Place prepared" - actually means "made ready", same as Matt 25:34 "inheriting the kingdom prepared from the foundation" - so God in His loving kindness makes a special place ready for us. *"Where she is nourised" - to be fed, brought up, fully developed, spiritually developed" So it's not just a place of protection but a place of final preparation. God obviously puts so much thought and care and purpose into providing this "place" for His church, how can we doubt it.
  • Steve Buchanan
    Linda: Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with your comments, thank you for the additional information! Steve Buchanan
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