United Church of God

Is This the Beginning of the End?

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Is This The Beginning of the End?

MP3 Audio (60.71 MB)


Is This the Beginning of the End?

MP3 Audio (60.71 MB)

Many wonder if we are entering the times Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:21. Are the prophecies of Revelation 13 about to be fulfilled?

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  • kathleen.hansen2011@gmail.com
    Hi Mr. Petty, I’m a little confused about how many people are going to die before Christ returns. You said about 25%, I listened to another minister who said 90% of all the people on earth were going to die. Is there a way we could get more clarification? Thank you for a great sermon!
  • kathleen.hansen2011@gmail.com
    Thank you so much for the clarification!!
  • Gary Petty
    Hello, the figure of 25 % comes from Revelation 6:1-11. This is in reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It is the same time period of Matthew 24: 5-8 which Jesus calls the "beginning of sorrows." This figure does not include the overall death toll of the tribulation which follows these events.
  • ForeverDancing1624
    For some reason this sermon is not wanting to play. Neither on here nor Google podcasts page. I am wondering if it's only my phone? Or has it been removed without being fully removed?
  • treeguy87
    Hi, Katie - the sound seems to be playing okay on my computer, and I was able to download the mp3 as well. If something wasn't working before, it seems to be sorted out now!
  • lauraliz
    I just listened to this without a problem. It must be your device. It is quite good and very helpful. I hope you’re able to find a way to listen to it.
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