United Church of God

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

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It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

MP3 Audio (39.54 MB)


It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

MP3 Audio (39.54 MB)

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times, messy. In this 3 part series on family, we'll try to bring this 'circus' under control by examining the roles and responsibilities of the husband/father, the wife/mother and children/grandchildren. In the 3rd and final part of this series, we will focus on the roles of children and grandchildren.

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