United Church of God

Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son, Is Rejected in Nazareth: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 20

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Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son, Is Rejected in Nazareth

Harmony of the Gospels, Part 20

MP3 Audio (17.57 MB)


Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son, Is Rejected in Nazareth: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 20

MP3 Audio (17.57 MB)

When Jesus returns to Galilee, two of the first incidents of His ministry are the healing of a nobleman's son and His rejection at the Nazareth synagogue. Understanding who this nobleman was and the locations involved adds an entirely different layer to the meaning of the event. Likewise, understanding the background of the inhabitants of Nazareth helps us understand Jesus' message in the synagogue that day and why it infuriated those who heard it to the point that they wanted to kill Him for what He said.

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