United Church of God

Jesus Was Right About Passover

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Jesus Was Right About Passover

MP3 Audio (46.96 MB)


Jesus Was Right About Passover

MP3 Audio (46.96 MB)

Jesus said, "With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." It was on the night that He was betrayed, the night of the beginning of the 14th day of the first month, when Jesus kept that Passover, washing the feet of His disciples and giving us the New Covenant symbols of bread representing His body, and wine representing His shed blood. This is one of our "Fundamental Beliefs." In this sermon, questions about the timing of Passover are asked, and answers are found in the Scriptures. A handout is included for your convenience in this study. We find that the "winds of doctrine" that some promote are not accurate. According to Scripture, Jesus was right about Passover.

Sermon Notes

“JESUS WAS RIGHT ABOUT PASSOVER” ~ Tacoma & Olympia ~ 2/13/2021 ~ Roc Corbett

Searching for proof of the timing of Passover, and Jesus’ authority to institute New Covenant symbols

Handout, with Scriptural references providing answers to our questions.

Search the Scriptures for the answers, and summarize the verses listed.

  1. According to the Bible, what day is the Passover, the 14th, or the 15th?

Ex. 12:6 ____________________________________________________

Lev. 23:5 ___________________________________________________

Num. 9:2-5__________________________________________________

Num. 28:16 _________________________________________________

Josh. 5:10 ___________________________________________________

Ezra 6:19-20_________________________________________________

Ezek. 45:21 _________________________________________________


Does Scripture teach that Passover was to be kept at the beginning, or at the end of the 14th day of the first month?  Let’s find out by asking a series of questions and finding answers from the Bible.

  1. When did the Lord tell Moses that the Passover lambs were to be killed? 

 Ex. 12:6 ____________________________________________________

2 Chron. 35:1 ________________________________________________

Let’s then see if it was to be at the beginning or at the end of the 14th.  


  1. When did the Lord instruct Moses that the Passover was to be eaten? 

Was it to be eaten during the night of the 14th, or the night of the 15th?

Ex. 12:8 ____________________________________________________

Ex. 12:10___________________________________________________


  1. According to the instructions of the Lord, was unleavened bread to be eaten as part of the Passover, on the night of the 14th?

Ex. 12:8 ____________________________________________________

Knowing this helps prove part of the timing sequence from Passover to the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

As revealed in Exodus 12, how many days was unleavened bread to be eaten?

Ex. 12:18 ___________________________________________________

Is this number of days upheld in other Bible passages?

Lev. 23:5, with Verses 6-8 ______________________________________


  1. When did the Lord pass over the children of Israel in Egypt—on the night of the 14th, or the night of the 15th?

Ex. 12:12-13 ________________________________________________

Ex. 12:29 __________________________________________________


  1. Was Moses inspired to write that there was a day of plundering the Egyptians and packing up to leave Egypt in the daylight time after eating the Passover?

Ex. 12:33-36 ________________________________________________

Was that time period considered a Sabbath?

  1. According to Moses, who was there at the time, and to whom God inspired to write this part of His word, did the children of Israel leave Egypt by night?  If so, did they leave on the night of Passover, or on the next night?    

Ex. 12:42 ___________________________________________________

Num. 33:2-4 [THIS IS A MAJOR TIME MARKER.] ____________________

Deut. 16:1 __________________________________________________


  1. Does New Testament Scripture teach that Jesus keep the Passover with His disciples?

Matt. 26:17-19 ______________________________________________

Mark 14:14 _________________________________________________

Mark 14:16 _________________________________________________

Luke 22:8 ___________________________________________________

Luke 22:11 __________________________________________________

Luke 22:13 __________________________________________________

Luke 22:15 __________________________________________________

1 Cor. 11:23 _________________________________________________


  1. Does the Bible teach that the Passover lambs were killed before Jesus and His disciples kept the Passover?

Mark 14:12 _________________________________________________

Luke 22:7 __________________________________________________


  1. Does the Bible teach that the Jews who led Jesus from the high priest to Pilate’s court the next morning, had not yet eaten the Passover?

John 18:28 _________________________________________________


  1. For the Jews, it would have been necessary to offer sacrifices before their meal.  Does the Bible teach that sacrifices were applicable for the 15th day and throughout the DUB?

Num. 28:16-25 _________________________________________________


  1. Was the daylight time after Jesus kept the Passover (that being the day on which He suffered and was crucified), a “high day” Sabbath, or did the high day begin the evening after He was crucified?

John 19:14 _________________________________________________

John 19:31 _________________________________________________

Mark 15:42 ________________________________________________

Luke 23:54 ________________________________________________

John 19:42 _________________________________________________

Matt. 27:62 ________________________________________________


  1. What High Day was this, that began shortly after Jesus was buried? 

What High Day does the Bible teach begins on the evening after Passover?  And, what day does this Bible reveal this to be, the 14th or the 15th of the first month?  [Repeating some verses for emphasis.] 

Ex. 12:14-20 _________________________________________________

Lev. 23:5-8 __________________________________________________    

  1. Does Scripture show that the Old Testament Passover foreshadowed a much greater redemption, by a much greater sacrifice? 

John 1:29 ____________________________________________________

1 Cor. 5:7 ____________________________________________________


  1. Does Scripture show that the New Testament Church kept the Passover in the years that followed Jesus’ crucifixion?

1 Cor. 11:23-26

[From whom did Paul receive this truth?] ________________

[On which night does Paul say that the Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to eat the bread and drink the wine?] _____________________

[Was Paul inspired to write that Christians are to “eat this bread and drink this cup”?  If so, how often, and on what night?] ___________________


  1. Did Jesus establish the bread and wine as new symbols, representative of His body and His blood given in sacrifice, instituting a New Covenant observance for Christians today?

Matt. 26:28 __________________________________________________

Mark 14:24 __________________________________________________

1 Cor. 11:23-25 (again, to emphasize this point). ____________________

1 Cor. 10:17 __________________________________________________


  1. Does the Bible teach that Christians are to “come together as a church,” and “come together in one place”? 

1 Cor. 11:18, 20 _______________________________________________


In this coming together as a church, in one place, was it to eat the Lord’s Supper? 

1 Cor. 11:20 __________________________________________________

Was it, instead, to partake of the bread and the wine, as the Lord Jesus revealed to Paul? 

1 Cor. 11:23 (again, to emphasize this point). _______________________


  1. Does Paul conclude that Christians ought to eat the Passover bread and drink the Passover wine?

1 Cor. 11:28

  1. The sacrificing of animals, for Passover and at other times, was part of the Old Covenant.  Did Jesus have the authority to change the symbols of the Passover from Old Covenant to New Covenant symbols?

Heb. 8:13 ____________________________________________________

Heb. 10:8-10 _________________________________________________


  1. In changing the symbols of Passover, did Jesus change the timing of when it is to be kept?  If so, provide a verse from the Bible that would prove this.


From what we’ve seen in the Scriptures, who kept Passover at the correct time, and in the correct manner?  Was it Jesus and His disciples, or was it the Pharisees and those who followed them?  Jesus was right about Passover!





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