United Church of God

Jobs in the Kingdom

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Jobs in the Kingdom

MP3 Audio (10.44 MB)


Jobs in the Kingdom

MP3 Audio (10.44 MB)

A look from Scripture that Christians will use their abilities in specific jobs in the coming Kingdom of God.

Sermon Notes

Sometimes we have doubt which is a tool that Satan uses against us.  We sometimes don’t know exactly what kings and priests will be doing.

Psalm 84:10 → Better to be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Revelation 5:9-10 → We are going to be kings, rulers, teachers all over the Earth.

What abilities will we have and where do they come from.

Skills, talents, and expertise.  

We are born with abilities in different amounts and areas.

Exodus 35:30 → God gave the Israelites very specific example of building the tabernacle.

God also gave the ability to the ladies to be weavers, etc.  We have a responsibility to develop our character and God will help without ability.

Acts 2:4

Acts 2:17-21

What abilities were given here?  The abilities to speak in foreign languages.  We will also need the abilities in the Kingdom of God.  God can also the ability to speak the same language.

What great ability has God given us?  The ability to understand God’s Bible.

1 Corinthians 12:3 → There are diversity of gifts and abilities - but God works in all of them with the same spirit.

Ephesians 3:20 → God has given us the understanding of the Bible.

Romans 12:5

We need to keep up our resolve in the quest for the Kingdom.

Matthew 13:42 → Why will there weeping and gnashing of teeth - we are they going into the Lake of Fire.  It isn’t for those who never knew - it is for those who turned their back on God.

Matthew 7:21 → You will know them by their fruits.

Satan is on a mission to convince mankind that we are here by accident.  Or, he wants us to believe in something else.

People will someday live a live peace and service.  People will be happy and animals will be tame.

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