United Church of God

Judgment and Mercy

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Judgment and Mercy

MP3 Audio (10.63 MB)


Judgment and Mercy

MP3 Audio (10.63 MB)

Elder Don Turgeon examines the Veil, the Holy of Holies, the Mercy Seat, the Ark and its contents to show the rich symbolism within the Day of Atonement—depicting God’s righteous judgment and mercy that awaits all mankind.

Sermon Notes

Behind our curtain, there is only article of furniture.  There is only one little item, though.  

Exo. 25: → God wanted some place where He could reside with His people.

Exo. 25:10 → He wanted this ark to be constructed.

God will meet with you in this room, that will be His throne.  What does God keep inside?

Exo. 25:16 → God will put the testimony 

Exo. 31:18 → Tablets of testimony written in the ark.

Everything is summed up in the 10 Commandments and everything feeds off of it.


God gave Israel His Laws.  But, if we fail to keep them, there is consequence.

Gen. 3:23 → Now, man is cut off from God.  We have a choice.  The choice now is to work the ground hard.

Rom. 3:23

Today is a day to recognize God and His holiness.

Day of Atonement was a day to bring a sacrifice to atone for our sins.

Exo. 25::17 → You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold.  The mercy seat will be on top of the ark.  

Num. 7:89

God is Holy and He requires Holiness.

Luke 18:10-14 → Pharisee and tax collector praying.

Rom. 3:23 → For all have sinned and fallen short.

The basis of our relationship with God is His Law - the 10 Commandments.

John 14: → God is going to our innermost being and write the Law on our heart.

God says He will be with us, if the Law is with us in our heart.

It is Jesus’ sacrifice that counts us as righteous.

1 Cor. 5:21

Heb. 10:10

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