United Church of God

Keys to Hope

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Keys to Hope

MP3 Audio (13.61 MB)


Keys to Hope

MP3 Audio (13.61 MB)

Mr. McClain uses the story of Esther to explore the topic of hope. Esther's faith allowed her to have hope in a dire situation, and God provided a path of escape. We, too, can have hope when all seems hopeless.

Sermon Notes



Esther 3:8 → Decree came out from Haman in the King’s name to slaughter the Jews and their property would be given away.  


The decree went out as law in all people.


Est. 4:3 → There was great mourning with the Jews.  There was great despair in the land and they possibly lost hope.


They wondered how God was going to intervene.  Satan wants to destroy our world with negativity and loss of hope.  Have we ever lost hope?

Have we been longing for encouragement?


Jer. 29:11 -->The Lord has plans for us.  God’s plan has a wonderful future of hope and expectation.  We pray each day for God to establish HIs Kingdom and Law.  We are in the flesh and sometimes we lose hope.


Est. 4: → Mordecai


  1. God’s Plan will stand


Things were bleak at this time because Esther did not know if the king would summon her.


Psalms 33:10 → The Lord’s plan stands firm forever.  We have to look at God’s long view and He is in control.


Heb. 2:9


This step was a blip, He was going to intervene.


Isa. 14:24 → God has our back.  It will be as I have planned.


Isa. 46:10 → God will intervene, He is the only one who can predict.  He is aware of His plan.


When we feel hopeless and stress.


We have to ask for God’s spirit to strengthen us.


Dan. 2:44


Everything that man treasures will not mean anything.  


Rev. 11:15 → The Lord shall reign forever.  All of the kingdoms will fall to the mighty God.


A time is to come will God will reign and His Law will be binding.


Est. 4:15-16


  1. God Helps us Grow in Faith


We have to be willing to go through the circumstances.  Only submission to God gives us direction.  We must determine a sacrifice.  She had determination.


Mordecai was struck by her response.  He recognized Esther’s faith and conviction and relayed that back to the people.  We have to be put through the circumstances to grow in faith.


God is able to intervene to help us grow.


Heb. 11:6 → Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.




Sometimes we lose sight of what God is doing in our life.  


1 Pet. 5:10


We have to be rooted and grounded so God can strengthen us and revitalize us.  Once this happens, then peace will happen.

Mark 9: → We struggle because we have faith and doubt.


All things are possible to him who as Faith.


Luke 22:31


John 17:6


If God is for us, who can be against us?  Jesus Christ prays for us and wants to be strengthened.


Est. 5:1-5 → Esther went to the King with great risk and the king held out his scepter.  


Est. 6:1-3

  1. God’s Eyes are on the Righteous


Esther was granted favor twice.  


Psalms 34:15 → When we are in despair, God’s eyes are on us.  The Lord’s ears are open to those who cry.


John 17:11 → Christ is asking the Holy Father to guard us as we pursue our life.


Psalms 146:8 → The Lord loves the righteous.


Why do we need to strengthen our hope:


1 Cor 15:19 → There is a great hope, much more than this life can give us.


How would you define our hope?


H:  Healing


Isa. 35:1


O: Order


Isa. 9:7


P:  Peace


E:  Eternal Life


1 John 2:25

Psalms. 146:5 → Happy is He who has the God of Jacob for his health.  Whose hope is in the Lord.

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