United Church of God

Knowing God's Purpose for Your Life... the Source of Joy: Philippians 1

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Knowing God's Purpose For Your Life... The Source of Joy

Philippians 1

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Knowing God's Purpose for Your Life... the Source of Joy: Philippians 1

MP3 Audio (37.6 MB)

A great and horrible lie has taken root in our society... the lie is this: "human life has no purpose". That we are not created beings with a great destiny to fulfill. We are a highly improbable accident that came about by a series of random events. God's message to you is that your life does have purpose... and knowing that purpose is the way to find great joy... no matter what your circumstances.


Rejoice, Because Your Life Has Purpose

A great and horrible lie taken root in our society... the lie is this: "human life has no purpose". We are not created beings with a great destiny to fulfill. We are a highly improbable accident that came about by a series of random events. We come from nothing and our end is nothing. In between the best we can do is grab a bit of pleasure and enjoyment until the day we die.

God's message to you is that your life does have purpose... and knowing that purpose is the way to find great joy... no matter what your circumstances.

God is Preparing You For Something Big

In Paul's letter to Philippi he begins teaching the congregation about leadership. But not in the way they are used to thinking about it... followers of Christ must learn a new attitude toward leadership based on personal humility and service. 

This transformation of mind is the driving purpose of God's present spiritual work... it is important to all God's people... not just elders, deacons, and sermon givers. God's present spiritual work is to prepare the future leadership who will assist the king of kings administer the rule of God on earth... and only after this essential piece is in place does the the kingdom of God on earth begin… and only after that will the call of salvation be extended to "the rest of the dead" in the resurrection that follows the millennial rule of Christ. You are an important piece of a carefully worked out sequence of events.

Philippians 1:1-2 Paul begins by presenting himself as a leader who identifies as a servant. Many at that time would have viewed this as an odd position to take.

The Greek and Roman culture viewed leadership as a right conferred upon some by virtue of noble birth, or by obvious achievement in politics, business, and military matters... achievement they should be proud of and take every opportunity to point out to others. Greco-Roman society would have despised servants ... considering them to deserve their low status because they were inferior.

To teach people about leadership performed in a spirit of humility and with the self image of a servant was a counter-cultural message. AND, instead of inferiority, Paul presents the status of servant as a badge of honor... honorable because of whom he served. The Lord Jesus Christ.

You Share God’s Great Purpose With Others

The Church of God is an assembly of people whom God has set apart from the rest of humanity... a holy people... a people called to accomplish an important task.

You become part of the "holy people" through your active participation in the Church... which has its own structure, organization, and purpose [as decreed by God]: to facilitate preparing and teaching future leaders in the kingdom of God.  

Paul draws attention to a couple of organizational positions:

  • Overseers - the word here is episkopos. In a non-religious context this might be the commissioner of new Roman colonies in Greek territories [which is what Philippi was]. Using such a title is an expectation of organization, structure, and authority within the local congregation.
  • Deacons: another reference to authority and structure within the congregation... they are leaders but not "overseers". Their responsibilities are more limited.

Paul says “you are a holy people”… "together with the overseers and deacons". So, your spiritual identity and purpose… as holy people… becomes real through active participation in His Church. Solitary mystical experiences with God are not preparing you for a future role in the administration of God's will on earth.

People have many fanciful ideas about what the 1st century church was like... looser, more moved by the freedom of the holy spirit, less structured, more spontaneous...

The truth is that Paul himself was instrumental in establishing and affirming structured local leadership, appointing and anointing those who would care for the congregations in his absence.

Be Thankful For A Shared Sense of Purpose

The gospel is the message of the coming kingdom of God on earth... the present call to salvation goes out into the world but only a few are drawn by God to participate for His purpose… which is… they might prepare for a role within the coming rule of Christ on earth. This perspective gives each of us a sense of purpose to everything we do and experience.

You are not a helpless victim [or beneficiary] of random meaningless events. Yes, time and chance happen to all of us but knowing the goal give them purpose!

Philippians 1:3-10 the common sense of purpose they share creates an emotional connection for Paul, and the congregation appears to have an emotional connection to him. He is deeply moved by the concern they have for him in his imprisonment!

He is in chains but his thoughts are dominated by joy... because he knows it has purpose.

Hebrews 12:2, James 1:2 joy is not an emotion responding to circumstances. The circumstances of being executed by crucifixion were not pleasant or uplifting. The circumstances of a trial are not "feel good" circumstances. I would say that joy is not really an emotion at all.... rather its a good understanding of existence, and purpose in the spiritual creation project God is accomplishing... "the good work that He began in you and will see through to the day of resurrection".

Joy is one of the dominant themes of the letter to Philippi. Joy is a way of thinking that comes from the holy spirit… the conviction and understanding it gives you. Therefore, joy is not something the material world can give, nor can material circumstances take joy away.

Paul and the people of Philippi have the same end game in mind "resurrection at the return of Christ" but also the time when they will be seated with Christ... assisting in His administration of God's will on earth. They share the same joy because they share the same purpose.

Thinking and Feeling

Paul uses phrases like "feel this way about you in my heart" [NIV]. Older translations render the phrase as "think this way" [NKJV]….both translations have merit. The word phroneo has both an emotional and rational application. Joy is found when we use clear thinking, reason, and understanding of purpose to guide our emotions… our gut responses to circumstances.

The heart means "innermost parts" and was used to picture the place where both human will and emotion came from. Which is why both translation solutions [think/feel] provide only part of the whole.

Paul Sees Purpose in His Trial

Paul is in prison but understands the trial serves God's greater purpose... he is defending and confirming the gospel in Rome... even penetrating to the household of Caesar. This understanding [given to him by the holy spirit] guides the way he thinks about his trial... and it guides the way he thinks [and feels] about the Philippians. He loves them all the more because he knows they are with him in mind and spirit "sharing in God's grace with me".

Philippians 1:9-11 Paul speaks of love [agape] and links it closely with knowledge, insight, and discernment... in other words thinking or reasoning. Like joy... agape/love is not a feeling that sweeps over us in response to circumstances. Agape love is to "choose to love" no matter what the circumstances may be. Just as God chooses to love you at all times, even though you are not especially lovable at all times.

Here Paul speaks of love leading to greater knowledge but other scriptures speak of growing in love through application of knowledge 2 Peter 1:7-8.

I like to think of this growth as an interactive process.  God's spirit convicts and gives understanding, which leads to love, which leads to greater understanding, which leads to greater lover etc. etc.

Paul breaks into the process at the point where love leads to greater knowledge, insight, and discernment. The word dokimazo [discern, approve] means testing and approving. For example Romans 12:2, 2:18 understanding what is good versus evil. Note: discernment can also apply to what is good versus what is better [as discussed in 1 Corinthians 13, or Hebrews… better promises etc.].

This learning, and proving, of what is good … what is better…  is personal preparation to serve others in their learning of what is good. That purpose is guided and directed by love… we will teach others so they also may may abundant eternal life… not to gratify our own egos.

We all have a personal desire to live with no fear of death ever again… this is good… but God knows that  living with a sense of purpose, guided by interest in others, is better!

Make the Effort to See God's Purpose

Paul presents himself as an example of how to think and behave in the face of adversity. He walks us through the mental effort he makes… to discern God's will and purpose in his trial.It is a model of how we can can change despair into joy… through seeing God's purpose… and our purpose. 

Philippians 1:12-18 The brethren might have thought arrest would have hindered the work of proclamation. But, it actually helped to advance it:

  • Paul is given access to people within the Roman administration. People who would have otherwise never interacted with a Jewish man like Paul. Some of these prominent people were responding positively to Paul's well reasoned declaration of the gospel Philippians 4:22. [not from enemies or those with little understanding].
  • The members of the Roman congregation actually got more fired up rather than discouraged. The majority for good reasons, but a minority for selfish reasons [perhaps they saw Paul's disgrace as an opportunity for them to fill the leadership vacuum]. Paul focuses on the results. Paul strongly believes that teachers should have a high level of personal integrity... BUT truth is truth no matter who speaks it. The validity of the gospel is not dependant upon the perfectness of the messenger. It is God's truth.
    • In this way Paul gives a personal example of how to deal with rivalries within congregations which foreshadows the loving correction offered to Euodia and Syntyche in 4:2.

Envy and rivalry are mentioned in Galatians 5:20-21, Romans 1:29. These are two works of the flesh. The flesh is inherently self-focused, and ready to fight for its own interests. We are designed that was in order to survive in a material world. By contrast, a spirit of service desires the truth to be know for the benefit of others who might hear and heed. This is a spiritual perspective that must over-ride the priorities of the flesh... but it takes training… the Church is a training ground for just that.

Purpose in Living… Purpose in Dying

Philippians 1:19-20 Paul hints that he expects to be released [delivered] but also has his eye on a deliverance greater than just getting out of prison, his own personal salvation from death. But even his own life or death are viewed from the context of PURPOSE.

Philippians 1:21-25 those who teach that human "go to heaven or hell upon death" use verse 23-24 as a proof text.

The teaching of the United Church of God on this matter is that when a person dies their body decays and returns to dust, and their spirit returns to God. That spirit, apart from a body, is not conscious, nor representative of a complete spiritual being. When Christ returns, and not before, that spirit will be joined to a glorious body which is entirely spiritual in composition. Only when this new body is received is a person considered to have been raised to eternal life. Conclusion: the spirit that returns to God cannot be considered "alive" else it would not need to be raised back to life at Christ's return.

Paul's reflections on life and death are another example of actively using his thinking mind to see God's great purpose at work in his life or his death.

  1. If he goes on living he continues in his present purpose of training the members of the church for their future role in administering the rule of God on earth alongside Christ.
  2. If he dies his next conscious thought will be at the resurrection when Christ returns… when he along with everyone else will move forward to the next phase of God’s purposeful plan.


I you do the work of reorganizing our priorities and broadening your perspective to embrace eternity you will see purpose in your life... and when you see that purpose you will find joy... no matter what!

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