United Church of God

Laodicea: Christ Counsels His Church to Develop 7 Foundational Attitudes - Part 7

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Christ Counsels His Church to Develop 7 Foundational Attitudes - Part 7

MP3 Audio (18.79 MB)


Laodicea: Christ Counsels His Church to Develop 7 Foundational Attitudes - Part 7

MP3 Audio (18.79 MB)

The message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop. Christ wrote a personal letter to each of the 7 Churches to give each Church spiritual “food for thought!” These messages are of vital importance to every Christian today! This sermon covers Part 7, the message to Laodicea.

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  • DVanP
    Very useful information for anyone wanting to do a status check on their spiritual progress. And as Mr D reminds us, chastening is GOOD for us - when done by God with His loving motives. It seems to me - the hotter the fire, the purer the gold.
  • Randy D'Alessandro
    Hi Daniel, I'm glad the sermon was of help. Randy D
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