United Church of God

Let No One Despise Your Youth

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Let No One Despise Your Youth

MP3 Audio (49.47 MB)


Let No One Despise Your Youth

MP3 Audio (49.47 MB)

Troy Phelps challenges our teens and young adults to answer whether this is their religion or their parents. He walks through scriptures and research from first century Jewish culture to examine the possibility that the majority of the disciples that Jesus Christ called were teenagers. He shows that throughout the bible God has consistently worked with and through serious young people and finishes the bible study by walking through Paul's encouragement to young Timothy (1 Tim 4:12) about how he must represent himself if he wants people to not just see a young person, but to see a person of God. He finishes by asking our young people questions aimed to help them to examine whether they are living in such a way that no one will despise their youth.

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