United Church of God

Let’s Meet, Greet, Welcome and Love Everyone

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Let’s Meet, Greet, Welcome and Love Everyone

MP3 Audio (33.83 MB)


Let’s Meet, Greet, Welcome and Love Everyone

MP3 Audio (33.83 MB)

The number one “sign” of the true Church of God is “love for one another”—“love of the brethren” (John 13:34-35; 1 John 3:14-23). Naturally people often judge a congregation by how friendly it is, so we must be alert to the fact that some people need immediate attention or extra attention, including new attendees, visitors, shy people, etc. (see 1 Corinthians 12:12-27). We must avoid having “unintentional cliques.” Likewise, adults should be friendly toward children and children should be taught to be friendly toward adults. In summary, the God-ordained responsibility of each member is to meet, greet, welcome and love everyone in our church fellowship.

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