United Church of God

Mass Formation Psychosis

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Mass Formation Psychosis

MP3 Audio (15.94 MB)


Mass Formation Psychosis

MP3 Audio (15.94 MB)

Prominent Physicians on the national stage have recently spoken about their belief that the world has been subjected to the phenomenon known as "Mass Formation Psychosis." If their theory is correct, what might be the Mass Formation Psychosis of the future?

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  • sbarbush
    Thanka Mr Buchanan. Do you think your previous experience in the pharmaceutical industry gives you better insight into the situation we currently find ourselves in?
  • Steve Buchanan
    Dear Steve: I think my experience in the Pharmaceutical industry gave me a skill set in evaluating Phase 1, 2, 3 trials that are required for drugs to be brought to market. Data is necessary to evaluate the risk and reward of each product. None of that happened with the Emergency Authorized Use for the current vaccines. There were no phase 1 trials (animal testing) and in earlier trials of MNRA vaccines resulted in all animal subjects dying. Further data now attests to the danger of these hastily approved medications which aren’t even vaccines, and offer no protection against the infection of or spread of the virus. To make is simple, it has been a colossal like on the entire earth. I hope this helps.
  • Steve Buchanan
    Shelly: Thank you for listening!
  • Shelly Hollowell
    Thank you Mr. Buchanan!
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