United Church of God

Note Taking and Listening Skills in Church Services: Tucson and El Paso Adopt a Cooler Dress Code During the Extreme Heat and Humidity of the Southwest United States in Summer

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Note Taking and Listening Skills in Church Services

Tucson and El Paso adopt a cooler dress code during the extreme heat and humidity of the Southwest United States in Summer.

MP3 Audio (56.4 MB)


Note Taking and Listening Skills in Church Services: Tucson and El Paso Adopt a Cooler Dress Code During the Extreme Heat and Humidity of the Southwest United States in Summer

MP3 Audio (56.4 MB)

Get the most out of Church services with some modifications to your note taking and listening skills.

Sermon Notes


Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the message.  It can take many forms.





Famous quotation



Specific Purpose Statement (SPS)

The SPS is the centerpiece of the message.  If it is effective, it is the “hub of the wheel” from which all the “spokes” of the message are tied to.  Speakers are trained to be clear about their purpose for speaking.  The SPS in the message is summarized in one of two sentences. 

Our speakers begin with their preparation with a main purpose, sometimes multi-faceted.

Some speakers like to add the Title of their message.


In a Church of God message there will be several points, with scriptural examples to illustrate main points.  Often, the passages are the points to the body, which should be clearly tied to the Specific Purpose of the message.

Examples: 4 Keys to Forgiveness; 8 Days Which Explain God’s Purpose for mankind, 7 Signs of Jesus’ Return.


Like an introduction, there are a variety of ways to conclude a message

The conclusion may summarize the main points to the message. “Tell them what you’re going to tell them.  Tell them. Tell them what you’ve told them.”

It may include a call to action to the audience.

It may be humorous.  It may be serious.

It may end with a quoted scripture.

It may be one or two sentences which provide a summary/concluding statement.

Understanding how our speakers are trained should be useful to you, the listener, in getting the most out of the spoken message.  This outline is an example (not the only one) of how many ministers will prepare their messages.  Correctly identifying the Introduction, SPS & Title, Body and Conclusion should help you to follow the main themes of the information presented.


Sermon handout August 27, 2022. Note Taking and Effective Listening

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