United Church of God

Oppression In Egypt

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Oppression In Egypt

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Oppression In Egypt

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Exodus is part of an unfolding story. It's a continuation of the Genesis account of Abraham's family. But their history is also your history.


Oppression In Egypt

Exodus 1:1-5 Exodus is part of an unfolding story. This first paragraph establishes a continuation of the Genesis account of Abraham's family.  The same can be said of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These 5 books of the bible flow together in a single narrative of God's purpose marching forward.

  • Eve was told her offspring would crush the head of the deceitful serpent
  • Abraham was foretold His seed would become the source of universal blessing
  • the sons of Jacob all received his blessing and of prophecies filled with expectation... with Judah a promise of everlasting kingship committed to a future descendant

From our vantage point far in the future we know that descendant to be Jesus the Messiah.

In Exodus we are still in the early stages of God's grand design. They are just a family not yet a nation... but by God's great power they will become one. Through them God will have His laws, ethics, and nature written down to be preserved for future generations. Through them the living God will provide a deliverer… Jesus the Messiah... He will establish His Church and open the way for all humanity to enter in eternal glory in the family of the living God.

In 2024 A.D. we know more... we are further along in God's grand plan... yet we are not  at the end. There is more to come. My point is this: You are part of this grand narrative. Their history is your history.

Many say history only comes about by mere cause and effect, or time and chance [matter colliding with matter]. God’s word tells us history is guided and directed by His powerful and loving hand. AND you are part of it.

On Their Own

Exodus 1:6-7 Joseph had been a "great man". According to Genesis he had shaped the course of Egyptian history. Through the 7 years of famine Joseph had completely transformed the economy of the greatest nation on earth. Now he was dead and there was no one to intervene for Israel.

For for 4 centuries there was no power figure to take his place. Israel would have to work out their place in this strange land… on their own... As the record will show, they did not do well.

They were however blessed with many children, generation over generation.

Has the perspective of regarding children and family as a blessing become lost to us...  [to many they are simply a risk, a burden, unnecessary, a bad career move, bad for the environment].  

Genesis began the unfolding this great story with man and woman told to “go forth and multiply”… and this is a great blessing. Because in this way everyone is allowed to participate in God’s grand design to bring about new life. Each with the potential to enter the fullness of God's family. God delights in new life.

Exodus 1:8 the political situation in Egypt changed. The new king did not respect of recognize any of the treaties, deals and arrangements Joseph may have set up for Israel’s protection.

Battles fought and won by our forefathers are not OUR victories. We may benefit from what they accomplished but time will wear down even a mighty mountain. New generations must fight and win their own battles.

For example, you are here because others before you took up the cause and built something out of it. But you will have to fight for your own future. I am speaking of the Church.

As for Israel…

  • Perhaps the presence of another towering figure like Joseph would have helped Israel manage the political transition by representing their interests… but there was no such person.
  • Perhaps if the people and been strong willed and tenacious like Jacob they could have maneuvered through the social turbulence, but that is not how it worked out.

Philippians 2:12-13 Paul was a "great man". Probably many people were inspired to get their act together by his mere presence among them. But he warned them they had to become strong enough themselves… and courageous enough themselves… to work their way through God's plan of redemption. Paul could not [perhaps would not] carry them into the kingdom of God.

Descent into Slavery

The children of Jacob had been rural herdsmen from Canaan who came to the greatest nation on earth filled with vast cities, gorgeous temples, impressive religious pageantry. They were bedazzled and sucked in Joshua 24:14, Ezekiel 20:8.

When God brought them into the wilderness they still longed for the delicacies of Egypt

Israel became enthralled with the civilization of Egypt and drawn into their idolatrous ways. They were reduced to slavery... first spiritually... then physically.

Exodus 1:9-14 Israel had been prospering, growing in population, probably also the wealth and power that would go along with larger population. That material success aroused the jealousy and suspicion of the Egyptians. Its a good lesson to remember that prosperity itself is precarious and needs divine protection. We always need God’s protection.

When political situations change dramatically… as they had in Egypt… past agreements, treaties and protections are often forgotten or not honored [the U.S. constitution, our bill of rights will not last forever]. The only sure bet is to rely on the living God.

But Israel had allowed themselves to be drawn away from the faith of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob. They were sucked into Egyptian life and ended up at the bottom of Egyptian life.

Genesis 43:32 The people of Israel were greatly influenced by Egyptian society but never integrated racially into Egyptian society. The Egyptian state practiced a sort of apartheid state. They didn't like to mix with foreigners so they kept Israel separate in a place called Goshen.

The new Pharaoh’s plan was fueled by racial fear... "these people are going to take over if we do not deal with them". So, they came up with a plan to work them to death while extracting maximum value out of them as slaves.

However, Israel kept having babies, so more extreme measures would be necessary.


Exodus 1:15-20 the Egyptian's plan was to set up a secret population control program. They would command the midwives to murder all the Hebrew's baby boys as soon as they were born. What we would today call and act of "genocide".

Looking ahead: this great crime against life would be personally avenged by the living God. On the evening of the first Passover the final plague on Egypt kills every first born child not under the blood of the slain lamb. You could say Egypt brought that horrible punishment upon themselves.

The legal principle of "lex talonis" says "let the punishment fit the crime". A principle our society has drifted away from…

Exodus records God's mighty act of redemption. But there is also a message of divine justice and judgment and condemnation upon an arrogant empire that deal harshly with the humble who were without protection. Question: Can there be justice without punishment for evil deeds?

Shiphrah and Puah are noted by name for their bravery. They refused to obey the Pharaoh's command because doing so they would violate God's command. Israel had entered into the confusion of idolatry and sensual pleasure but there was still some remembrance of God's commands.

Abraham knew these commands and passed them on to his descendants Genesis 26:5; Genesis 18:9.

Exodus 1:22 no more secret plans. Now there would be an open policy of racial genocide unleashed on the Hebrew people.

How could a civilization like Egypt, so filled with refined art, culture, and education do this? Somehow they went from regarding Israel as welcome guests to something less than fully human… something less than fellow human beings with lives and loves and dreams... they became abstract categories "the enemy" ...  or "useful drones meant to perform necessary tasks" ... then they became "unworthy of life".

As a society we are headed in the same direction… denying human dignity to those we fear, or disagree with. We can argue about who started it... who's the worst offender... that won't change it. The only way to change is to stop. The only person you can stop is yourself. This is one more way you must not get sucked in to the world around you.

Looking ahead: by commanding the babies thrown into the water, Pharaoh unloads the obvious guilt upon the judgment of the Nile [which was ironically revered as a life-giving manifestation of God by the Egyptians]. and so… the first great punishment God inflicts on Egypt is to turn that same river Nile to blood. God did not forget the horrible crime they have committed. Blood for blood.

A Baby is Saved

Exodus 2:1-4 the family hid the baby to avoid the Egyptian police when they swept through and searched the village. Perhaps also from neighbors who might turn them in. When they put his basket in the river they were not simply did this not abandoning him to the river... His older sister Miriam was there to keep an eye on the baby so it would stay safe, she was about 12.

Hebrews 11:23 the parents believed God could help [faith] and it made a difference. They did not accept the circumstances... they looked to God for a way out. Who knows... maybe God would save the baby. Maybe our saving this little baby will make a difference.

Exodus 2:5-10 did Jocobed place the basket where she knew it would be found by Pharaoh's daughter? Did the princess have a reputation for compassion. Was Jacobed merely hoping that another woman's heart would be moved by what she found. Did God move her heart? We don’t know.

We do know the daughter of Pharaoh said "he is a Hebrew baby"... she was well aware what this baby was… but before she could think more about the complicated legal or practical issues Miriam suddenly appeared and offered a quick solution.

Note: people are more likely to say yes when you offer them a ready made solution instead of requiring them to make a decision.

So, Jocobed saved her baby… she even go to help raise the baby. And based on what we read here Moses probably knew his mother. Even knew who he was. But more on that later.

Individuals Matter

The turn of events is a chain of unlikely coincidences... a fairly tale… a flight of imagination… but the reality is the hand of God was at work providing for Himself a suitable person to lead Israel out of Egypt.

Many say we as individuals are irrelevant... history is the result of unseen impersonal forces acting in unchangeable ways... economics used to be considered great force, now we think its biology. Either way it’s a manner of thinking that gives us comfort when we do bad things. When we give in to evil trends and movements going on around us... because they are seen as "inevitable".

To that God's word says "no"... "you matter", "what you do matters". The force that moves human history is Me... I am interested... I am involved... I am listening... destruction is not "inevitable" or "unavoidable" because I am here to help.

You might say "I'm no Moses" ... maybe he was called to do something amazing that changed everything... but I'm just little old me…. That is not how God sees you. You have been called to serve His purpose in an important way during the 1,000 year reign of Christ after His coming. A major turning point in human history… greater than the exodus of Israel out of Egypt.

Matthew 11:11 Jesus said what you are preparing to participate in is more important than anything ever done by human beings in the flesh. You may only be one person… but you matter.

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