United Church of God

Overcoming Fears of Not Qualitfying for the Kingdom

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Overcoming Fears Of Not Qualitfying For The Kingdom

MP3 Audio (33.15 MB)


Overcoming Fears of Not Qualitfying for the Kingdom

MP3 Audio (33.15 MB)

Numerous baptized members have worried if they will “make it,” expressing fears that they might not be in the first resurrection. This is very sad because God wants us to have total trust in Him—faith in His love, mercy, grace, and promises that “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). When our Father corrects, chastens and punishes us, it is done out of love to get us on the right spiritual path and keep us there. He will do whatever it takes to save us from the ultimate punishment of the lake of fire and to bring us into His Family. God fully expects our salvation and that brings Him great joy. Likewise, converted members should fully expect their salvation. Instead of worrying, we should be feeling confidence, excitement and great joy!

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  • annie.ross
    What a beautiful loving and powerful message of truth faith hope trust perseverance - and promise. Thank you Mr Hooser. Good right up to the last drop!
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