United Church of God

Paradise Lost & Paradise Found

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Paradise Lost & Paradise Found

MP3 Audio (18.11 MB)


Paradise Lost & Paradise Found

MP3 Audio (18.11 MB)

My Purpose is to reveal the meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread by looking at the history of mankind's beginning in the Garden of Eden and from the perspective of John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost". I will explain the ancient Hebrew word picture meaning of "Eden" and how Christ fulfilled that meaning and opened to door for Paradise to be found. Through this meaning, we'll understand how Christ is the only door to eternal life. We'll also explore how all of this pertains to the Days of Unleavened Bread.

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  • DVanP
    What an enlightening sermon! The details reviewed from the Palaeo-Hebrew word pictures add so much DEPTH to Jesus' words "I am the Door." We need MORE studies into the deep rich meanings of Christ's words and how they tie back to other OT Scriptures from this Palaeo-Hebrew perspective. It provides so much more insight and rich MEAT - it makes plain English reviews seem like we're still on milk!
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