United Church of God

Passover & Baptism, Part 2

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Passover & Baptism, Part 2

MP3 Audio (18.23 MB)


Passover & Baptism, Part 2

MP3 Audio (18.23 MB)

Mr. Dowd compares the Passover symbols to what we are to be reminded of in our individual baptism.

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  • KARS
    Your welcome 2000rn. Have a pleasant day.
  • ckc2000rn
    KARS You are right we do fight with the flesh. I think the Bible says we should always be prepared to give our testimony when asked. So why do I follow the Bible and not traditional Christianity? Because we have a personal relationship with God and we are called to live according to the Bible and not the flesh. Daily repentance, meditation, and falling in love with God. You got it. Thanks.
  • KARS
    Hi 2000rn! I think I may know where you are coming from. It's like the Apostle said. He does what he doesn't want to and what he wants to do he finds it hard to do. We fight with our human nature everyday. Thus daily repentance, Bible study in God's Word, prayer, fasting for a closer walk with God, and meditation on what we read, learned, or see when we walk, drive, etc in God our Father's creation; Planet Earth and the universe above.
  • Dan Dowd
    I am not sure if you are asking a rhetorical question or do indeed seek advice. I would encourage you (if you are asking for advice) to write to the nearest United pastor so you can have a more in-depth conversation. Take care.
  • ckc2000rn
    Passover & Baptism Part 1 and Part 2 sermons are an excellent way to search our hearts and soul. I have been asking myself, "Why do I do what I do?" So many of my friends and family think I am insane and not a Christian. So why do I do what I do?
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