United Church of God

Passover Is Only the Beginning: Go Forth Into the Days of Unleavened Bread!

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Passover Is Only the Beginning

Go Forth Into the Days of Unleavened Bread!



Passover Is Only the Beginning: Go Forth Into the Days of Unleavened Bread!


The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is actually the beginning of an amazing, astounding sequence of events that lead to you being saved from death, built up into the fullness of Christ, raised up from death, composed of spirit, never ever again to die or dread death.

Sermon Notes

One of the most damaging false teachings is that God’s plan of redemption is finished… or completed with the death of Jesus. That there is nothing more that you can, or should, do.

The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is actually the beginning of an amazing, astounding sequence of events that lead to you being saved from death, built up into the fullness of Christ, raised up from death, composed of spirit, never ever again to die or dread death… and for those of you called at this time, add to this the honor of marriage to Christ, and a glorious future with Him in the ages to come.

These are the things we rehearse each year through the 7 annual holy days of our God.

The Passover sacrifice of Jesus was always part of God’s plan or process even before human beings [the ones who would participate in the plan] were created. The actual event of His death would come much later but was pictured and foretold through the Passover lamb killed that night in Egypt long ago [about 1450 years]

The Beginning Begins at the Beginning

Exodus 12:2-3 the Passover is the beginning… and God emphasizes the point. This time is to be considered the beginning. The beginning of months, the beginning of the year, the beginning of God’s amazing, astounding plan [amazing and astounding because it is hidden under a mountain of false teaching and error].

On the 10th day each family of Israel was to select a lamb without blemish. They would keep the lamb until the 14th day began. The 14th day would begin when the sun went down that evening. During the night they were to kill the lamb prepare it, roast it and eat it. They would also smear its blood over their doorways to protect themselves from the angel of death sent that night… sent to strike the firstborn of every family in Egypt at midnight. The death of the Passover lamb occurred during the night-time portion of that 24 hour period… the 14th day.

Exodus 12:6-13 – the night of the 14th … the same night we gathered to observe the Passover… to eat and drink the body and blood of Christ.

Exodus 12:21-22 –Moses now passes God’s instruction on to Israel. Please note the key phrase at the end of the command… stay in your homes until morning. They were to stay in their houses the entire nighttime portion of the 14th day.

Exodus 12:29-30 during that nighttime period of the 14th day [at midnight] the death angel strikes down the firstborn of Egypt. In verse 31 later during the same night, Pharaoh sends word to Moses and Aaron that he wants Israel to get out of Egypt.

Note: I say “sends word” since Moses and Aaron would not have come out during the night. All Israel were to stay in their homes during the dark portion of the 14th day. Also, Moses had told Pharaoh at their last meeting “you will not see me again”. Ex 10:29

Exodus 12:33-36 After daybreak the people of Israel would have come out of their homes. The Egyptians wanted Israel gone! To urge them on their way the Egyptians gave them jewelry, clothing [portable wealth]. This transfer of goods could only have taken place during the daytime portion of the 14th since Israel was forbidden to leaven their homes until morning.

Key point: Israel did not go out from the land of Egypt until the night that followed. During the daytime portion of the 14th day, they were grabbing all their stuff… receiving all the jewelry and clothing from the Egyptians and gearing up to leave.

We are talking about 600,000 Israelite households. Consider the logistics. By the end of the daytime portion of the 14th day, they were ready to head out. Night would be falling… according to God’s clock, a new day was about to begin. The 15th of the month.

Exodus 12:41-42 the “very day” begin referred to here is the 15th day of the month. The first Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread which began at sundown. That was last night… the night to be much observed… a night of vigil.

Note: verse 43 begins a new section which goes through some additional Passover regulations.

Israel left Egypt during the nighttime portion of the 15th day. The beginning of the 15th day.

Deuteronomy 16:1 they went out by night

Numbers 33:3-4 they went out on the 15th day of the month.

False Ideas:

Now I have to do something I don’t like. I have to give airtime to some false interpretations.

Some say the lamb is to be killed at the end of the 14th day and eaten on the night of the 15th… the same night that they were to go out from the land of Egypt.

But, Israel was not permitted to go out of their homes during the night that they were to eat the flesh of the lamb. If that major flaw in such a teaching were not enough then consider the logistics of killing, cooking, eating, being summoned by Pharaoh sometime in the wee hours of the morning… and then in the 2 or 3 hours remaining gathering up your stuff… getting all the riches of Egypt… and marching several million men women and children out of the land. It doesn’t work!

The Passover is Separate From the DOULB

Numbers 28:16-17

Leviticus 23:5-6

We put out our leavening before the 15th day begins. So, the de-leavening starts beforehand on the 14th day. So in our minds, it tends to get rolled together. And during the days when the New Testament was recorded, the whole season had come to be called either… the days of unleavened bread or the Passover [ie the Passover season]. You see this sort of festival shorthand used in the scripture as well.

But the entire 8 day period consists of Passover on the 14th day [which is not an annual Sabbath] followed by 7 complete days of unleavened bread beginning on the 15th day. The first and the last of those 7 days are considered annual Sabbaths. On them, we have a holy assembly and do no work.

Another False Interpretation:

It is very common for people to become convinced regarding the need to keep the Passover as a memorial of the death of Jesus and the inauguration of the new covenant… but yet remain unconvinced of the ongoing purpose and importance of observing the Days of Unleavened Bread. In fact, I believe there are more of “them” than there are of “us”.

Exodus 12:14-20 the day spoken of as a memorial here is the 15th day. Like all days in God’s manner of counting time… it begins with sundown.

After sundown, there is some form of vigil [NTBMO]

There is a holy assembly [church service]. You presence is required.

All the leaven should be gone

Start eating only unleavened bread

Verse 17 tells us its to be a permanent ordinance/practice to serve as a remembrance or memorial of deliverance from bondage.

Note: like the weekly Sabbath… like the Passover… the Days of Unleavened Bread are a lasting ordinance/practice given prior to the establishment of any covenant. Therefore, the Days of Unleavened Bread have an importance and significance outside of, or beyond, the covenant. So the days of Unleavened Bread cannot be easily written of as “part of the Old Covenant”. Neither was the Feast of Unleavened Bread instituted with any sacrifices… so they cannot be easily written off as part of the sacrificial system ended with the death of Christ.

What is a memorial?

A memorial is something we do to remember persons or events. A non-biblical example would be memorial day… when we remember fallen soldiers.

First, we have the memorial of the Passover which is a remembrance of the forgiveness of, and the redemption from, our past sins… Which is the beginning of God’s plan to bring us to that completeness in Christ. Jesus said… do that in remembrance of Me. So we do. .. on the 14th day.

But why stop at the beginning? The forgiveness of past sins is necessary but sin is not done with us yet. It keeps coming after us.

Next… the 15th day is also a memorial. A time to remember our deliverance from bondage. For Israel it was a very real bondage in the forced labor camps of Egypt… for you it is bondage to the ways of thinking and acting that God detests. Ways of acting and thinking that ruin your hope of participating in the glorious future God has planned for you.

It is bondage to the way of living that leads only to death.

Why observe the 14th [deliverance from past sins] but neglect the Days of Unleavened Bread? The Days of Unleavened Bread are the reminder to go forth and sin no more! To keep His law! To put on righteousness and Godly virtues! To add to these the fruits of the Holy Spirit… and love!

We are here for the 1st day of Unleavened Bread… and we’ll be back in 7 days for the last day of unleavened bread. Take notice that this feast is not a singular event like Passover … or Trumpets… the Days of Unleavened Bread are a period of time… 7 whole days.

It takes time to accomplish all that going forth! It’s a process of putting off the bad stuff and putting on the good stuff that must be done… and done again… and done again... until it is complete. We are to grow into the fullness of Christ.

Note: The feast of unleavened bread is probably 7 days ling because 7 is a number that signifies completeness.

Exodus 13:3-10 this feast is a sign/memorial that the law of God is to be on your lips… you are to teach, judge, and live by the word of God. It will be written on your hearts and in your minds.

These verses speak of it as written on your hand [meaning what you do] and on you forehead [meaning what you think]. In the last days the Beast, the wicked one will write a different mark on people’s hands and foreheads… a mark for those who reject the authority and law of God.

Which mark will you take upon your hand and your forehead… what you do and what you think?

The Passover Is Only The Beginning

Jesus died… but that is not the end of the story. He did not stay dead. Jesus Christ was raised up again to life through the power of the Father.

He is at the throne of God right now… at the Father’s right hand

He is at work right now as your high priest… cleansing you from sin… and delivering you completely from its power. The power to kill you. To keep you from receiving life everlasting.

The Days of Unleavened Bread are a lasting memorial… a sign on your hand [what you do] and on your forehead [what you think]. A sign that you keep His commandments in sincerity and truth.

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  • Denise G
    What is the difference between evening in ex. 12:6 and evening in ex. 12:18? According to what is taught 12:6 means the start of the 14th, yet in 12:18 it is obvious that evening is intended to mean the end of the 14th since it starts the 15th day (Holy day). Any clarification would help. Thanks! Nate.
  • Craig Scott
    The setting of the sun marks the transition from one day to the next. Therefore, it marks both the beginning of a day and the end of that same day. Analogy: draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper and write LEFT on one side and RIGHT on the other. The line doesn’t belong to the left side or the right side. The line marks the separation between the 2 sides. As you have correctly noted, in Exodus 12:6 the Passover begins at sunset. That day is the 14th day of the month of Nissan. That day would END 24 hours later also at sunset. Exodus 12:18 is saying… eat only unleavened bread from the sunset that marks the end of the 14th day until the sunset that marks the end of the 21st day. Compare with Leviticus 23:6-8
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