United Church of God

Pentecost and You

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Pentecost and You

MP3 Audio (41.65 MB)


Pentecost and You

MP3 Audio (41.65 MB)

Why does God want us to keep this Feast of Pentecost? Why is the Feast of First Fruits so important? Why do we need God's Spirit and how do we know if we have God's Spirit? There is no one answer to these questions but first and foremost we keep the Feast Days because God tells us the Feasts are His Feasts, we give honor to God by attending. God also wants us to understand the plan He and The Word made before the earth was formed; the plan God has for us and our future with Him. Pentecost shows a part of God's plan, the fact that there is salvation, that God will open His Kingdom to His children and that there is an order to salvation. The spirit that God offers is a helper, a fortifier that helps to strengthen us against the world's attacks. God offers this helper to those who seek to follow His way, His plan for salvation.

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