United Church of God

Pointing the Finger of Blame

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Pointing the Finger of Blame

MP3 Audio (12.82 MB)


Pointing the Finger of Blame

MP3 Audio (12.82 MB)

Pastor Bart Bornhorst reveals how pointing the finger of blame (at others, Satan, or even God) destroys relationships, hurts the individual inside, and removes the opportunity for repentance and spiritual growth.

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  • bsquared
    Greetings Mr. Mahon and thank you for your response to my sermon. I’m sorry if you have suffered under the abusive hand of someone else. Jesus Christ suffered the same, so He understands and has compassion for you. You asked, "is it a sin to stand up for ourselves?" No, it's not a sin to defend or stand up for yourself, if done in a proper Christian manner. Jesus Christ defended Himself on many occasions. Then when it came time to for Him to fulfill His purpose He took much emotional, verbal and physical abuse to the point of death! Prior to that event, Jesus did defend Himself because it was not His time to die. In Luke 4:28-30 and in John 10:39 Jesus fled as some tried to kill Him. Fleeing is a mode of self-defense. When He was accused of breaking the law, He defended Himself John 5:15-17. When the temple was desecrated He forcefully took matters into His own hands, John 2:13-16. So in the end there’s a right way to handle all things. My message wasn’t focused towards those that have suffered abuse at the hands of others. That would be a much different focus and message, in the end we must all strive to have a balanced and sinless approach when dealing with hate filled people.
  • tallgary
    Very hard sometimes, but we all need to eat crow sometimes. However, as one from highly abusive, toxic family, sometimes,we do need to not be door mats, either!! Some of us are damaged severely, and very codependent, have bee PEOPLE PLEASERS ALL OUR LIVES, and some of us need to become assertive for the first times in our lives, too. Is it a sin, to ever stand up for ourselves? Sometimes, we MUST. And sometimes,we need to get away from abusive demon influenced family or others! If we can assert, and stand up for ourselves, when we are being emotionally, mentally, or physically abused, is it a sin? If it can be done in LOVE, IT IS NOT SOMETIMES, TOUGH LOVE, AND ASSERTING OURSELVES AND STANDING UP, IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. The challenge is to not be BITTER, AND VEANGEFUL, AND CONDEMNING THE PERSONS. Some of us have been DOORMATS AND YES PEOPLE ALL OUR LIVES. I am baby of the sick family, and have been a doormat most of the time. Now, i am trying to be more respectful of myself for a change too. Some of us have been people pleasers and doormats too long, and hate ourselves. A major challenge for us severely damaged ones.
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