United Church of God

Prepare to Greatly Reduce Your Standard of Living

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Prepare to Greatly Reduce Your Standard of Living

MP3 Audio (28.92 MB)


Prepare to Greatly Reduce Your Standard of Living

MP3 Audio (28.92 MB)

In this split sermon Bob Radcliff reminds us of the warning given to the church over 40 years ago by Mr. Armstrong that we need to prepare to lower our standard of living. When we consider the world around us, we can see that the riches of this world will surely fail. We need to learn to trust in God and dedicate ourselves to seeking the true riches that will never fail.

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  • Jim Moody
    Bob, Thank you for your timely message. We need reminders of where this world (governed by Satan) is at. Like you said we need to be aware, but also be prepared, be ready for hard times, be content with what we have, and we don’t need to worry or have fear, because our permanent treasure is waiting for us. Very well good information and well presented. Thank you, Jim Moody
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