United Church of God

Promises of God

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Promises of God

MP3 Audio (14.74 MB)


Promises of God

MP3 Audio (14.74 MB)

Listen to this sermon and learn that we can rely on God's promises to get us through life's afflictions and trials. Everything we go through has a purpose. (Psa 103:2) "Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:" By Jesus Christ's stripes we are healed when we are anointed by elders in the church (James 5"14). God promises to supply our needs (Matthew 6:25, Phil 4:19-20). God's servants are promised protection (Zephaniah 2:3). God promises to love us unconditionally (1 John 4:7). God promises to work out all things for those who love Him for good (Romans 8:28). God promises His divine help (John 16:12). God promises eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord to those who endure to the end.

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