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Refreshments, Anyone?

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Refreshments, Anyone?

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Refreshments, Anyone?

MP3 Audio (10.11 MB)

All too often life can be disappointing. My job, the news, family issues, even entertainment can bring discouragement. Where do you turn to find the true lasting refreshment you need? The Bible speaks of times of refreshing. What are they and how can you be a part of that time?


[Steve Myers] One of my favorite memories, as a kid, was getting together with my cousins every summer. There would be a whole bunch of us boys, and we would play and play and play. And, you know, on those hot summer days, we would get worn out. And I remember my mom coming out often during those hot summer days that we’d play and play, and she’d come out with this beautiful tray of lemonade. And what I remember most about that was, she would say, “Refreshments, anyone?” And boy, we were all right there, ready to be refreshed. And boy, do I remember that on those hot summer days – and that cool, crisp lemonade!

Perhaps you’ve got memories like that as well – memories of what would be a wonderful, refreshing time. Or, maybe you just kick back at home, after a hard day’s work, and imagine being on a beautiful beach that would be just refreshing – kicking back and relaxing. Or, maybe, for you it would be a beautiful snow-covered scene that you could just really enjoy – a fresh fallen snow.

Well, what is it for you when you think of being refreshed? In fact, more importantly, where do you find real refreshment – true refreshment? Boy, that lemonade didn’t last for long on those summer days. But, is there something that would be lasting – something that truly would be refreshing? And so, where do you find something like that when you really need refreshment?

Let’s think about that for a moment. There is a pivotal scripture. Sometimes it’s called the most important passage in the entire Bible that talks about this very need that everyone of us have. It’s found over in Acts, chapter 3, and begins in verse 19. Notice what it says. It says:

Acts 3:19 – Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the time of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.

Boy, just reading that passage can’t help but cause us to ask, “What are these times of refreshing that come from the presence of the Lord? What is this restoration that he talked about? Boy, it something a whole lot more than lemonade on a hot summer day. These times of restoration and refreshment are fantastic opportunities that each and every one of us can have to truly fill the deep needs that each and every one of us have at our heart and core. In fact, when you think about it, what is it that needs to be restored?

Well, you think about the beginning. God created mankind to have a relationship with Him. And what was it like at the beginning of creation? Well, it was characterized by love and peace and obedience. And at the completion of His creation, remember what God said? He said it was very good. Now, we know what happened. It didn’t take too long before Satan’s deception. It didn’t take too long before man was disobedient. And that ended peace. That ended harmony. And the result: disobedience led to mankind being cut off from God. In fact, it degenerated so far that, by the time you get to Genesis, chapter 6, it talks about those tragic results in verse 5. It talks about mankind and his relationship to God. And it says this – in Genesis 6:5:

Genesis 6:5 – The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

You see, that’s describing this broken relationship between God and man. And you look at the world around us. It’s not too hard to see that that has continued all through history, right down to this time that we live in. Death and sin spread to all mankind because of sin.

But, you know, God has a solution. God’s plan is a plan of restoration. It’s a plan to repair things. It’s a plan to renew things. It’s a plan to refurbish. It’s a plan to refresh. God has an awesome plan. And He demonstrates that plan through the biblical feast days. The biblical festivals symbolize that restoration process. And what a great process that is. In fact, there are several things throughout the Bible that point to the fact that God is about restoration. In fact, we could say, “It’s evidence that God is planning restoration.” I’ll give you three examples – three examples of restoration.

When we look back at time, Israel itself was restored. There was a time that they went into captivity. And they were under the rule of Pharaoh. They were slaves in Egypt. And yet, we know the story. We know that it says clearly that the children of Israel were redeemed and they came out of Egypt with a high hand. They crossed the Red Sea. They wandered through the desert and eventually they were brought to the Promised Land. God restored Israel. That’s one example.

Now, another example is the fact that the Jews were restored as well. If we were to fast-forward through history, because of their disobedience, both Israel in the north and Judah in the south went into captivity. Well, when they were in Babylon, they cried out to God. And God restored them. If you remember the story of Ezra and Zerubbabel, the people were brought back to Jerusalem and they rebuilt the temple. And so Judah was restored from Babylon. It’s a second example of how God restored His people throughout history.

Now, more importantly, as we look ahead, we can see that prophecy talks about the restoration of Israel. And ultimately that restoration is going to be in the Kingdom of God. Now that’s described a little bit in the book of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel, chapter 36, verse 33. Here’s what it says about future prophecy – about future restoration. In verse 33 of Ezekiel 36, it says:

Ezekiel 36:33 – Thus says the LORD God, “On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will also enable you to dwell in the cities, and the ruins shall be rebuilt. The desolate land shall be tilled instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass by.” Verse 35 says:

V-35 – So they will say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden, and the wasted, desolate, ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited.’ Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I am the LORD. I have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the LORD, have spoken it and I will do it.”

You see, that’s pointing ahead to the time that Jesus Christ returns and the earth will be restored. I mean, just imagine it! Imagine the restoration of all things! That’s what Acts, chapter 3, talked about – the restoration of all things. Christ is going to return. And, as King of kings, He will establish God’s government. He will restore that government on earth. There will be order. There will be peace. There will be happiness. There will every opportunity to live in harmony with others and with God Himself.

The book of Micah describes that very time – in Micah, chapter 4, right at the very beginning of that chapter. Let’s notice what it says about that amazing time when all things will be restored – Micah, chapter 4, verse 1. It says:

Micah 4:1 – In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains. And those mountains are representative of government. God’s government will be over all. It says: It will be raised above the hills and people will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, “Come , let go up to the mountain of the LORD – to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.” So a true relationship with God will be restored. That opportunity will be for everyone. It says: The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. It says: They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. It’s not going to be a time of war anymore. It says: Nation will not take up sword against nations, nor will they train for war anymore. So imagine restoring right government, restoring a right relationship with peoples, a right relationship between nations, a right relationship even with the land, so that it will produce abundantly! That’s part of the restoration of all things – going back to a time when the conditions existed that man was right with God – going before the time that man was separated because of sin.

We’re looking back and restoration of all things is at hand. And it’s not just talking about a physical change. You know, it’s also talking about a spiritual change. That spiritual change will take place among the people. And the great thing is, as we understand that truth now, we have the opportunity to be a part of that very thing, because you could say God’s plan is restoration. And that certainly reminds us about Acts, chapter 3, verse 19. Remember how it said not only was that a plan of restoration, but it also talked about a time of refreshing that will come from the presence of the Lord – a time, a season that could be, an occasion, a point when there will be refreshing for all things.

Now, it is interesting – here in Acts, chapter 3, and verse 19 – it’s the only time that that word refreshing is used in the Bible. And it means something that’s revived – like catching your breath. It can also mean a cooling – to cool off, like that lemonade on a hot summer day. There is a time, or a season, that’s coming from God – like a cooling, you could say. Could we say “a cool time that’s coming from God?” Well, I think we can. In fact, if you think about it, what comes to mind when you think of a season, or a time, of refreshing that comes from God? Well, like we talked about three occasions of restoration, let’s think about three occasions of refreshment – three occasions of refreshing, of revitalization, of renewal – three occasions of rejuvenation or rekindling that come from God? That’s what Acts 3:19 talked about. And, in fact, it’s also reflected in another section of scripture in the book of Titus – Titus, chapter 3, verse 4. In Titus, chapter 3, verse 4, it talks about a time of refreshing. And you know what that time is? One of those occasions for refreshing is baptism – repentance and baptism. That’s exactly what Acts 3:19 talked about. It talked about “repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” Well, over in Titus, chapter 3, verse 4, it expands on that thought. It expands on that season of refreshing. Let’s notice chapter 3, verse 4 in book of Titus – it says:

Titus 3:4 – When the kindness and love of God, our Savior toward man, appeared – not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, who He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.

He’s talking about a washing. Well, what is that time of washing and regeneration and renewing? Well, it’s baptism, when we’re washed completely, when we are immersed in that watery grave, and we put that old person to death, and we come out of those waters a new creation in Christ. It points to that very time of repentance and baptism as a time of refreshing – a refreshment that comes from God, where we get rid of the old sinful self and we put on Christ. And what a challenge for each and every one of us – not just to put on a little bit of Christ, but to be totally and completely refreshed.

I heard an analogy about this very thing. You know, as we think about our lives as Christians, how much are we refreshed in our approach to living like Christ? I mean, when think about our responsibilities in this life? Maybe we could imagine it as a cabinet. And in this particular cabinet, we have many different drawers. And sometimes we think of it…well, here’s the drawer of my job. And so, when I’ve got a job to do, I pull out that drawer. Or, if I’m a student in school, I have my student drawer. And, of course, if you’re husband, like I am, I have my husband drawer, or I have my father drawer, or my parent drawer, or my brother drawer. Or, you may have your sister, or your husband drawer. And it seems like each day we open and shut those various drawers as we need them. Now, if we were to imagine this cabinet with all of our responsibilities, do we have a tendency to imagine one of those drawers is our relationship with God – you know, that we have God drawer and that represents our spiritual responsibilities? I think, if we fall into that way of looking at our relationship with God, it’s a problem. It’s a problem, because is our relationship with the Father and with Jesus Christ just one of the many drawers of our life? Well, if it is, maybe think of it this way. Does God just want to be one of the drawers of your life? You see, that’s not how we should look at it. We’ve got to imagine God as the cabinet of our life. He is our life! And without God and a relationship with Him, and without Jesus Christ, we couldn’t even begin to pull out those other drawers – a father, a husband, or brother, or parent. It just wouldn’t happen. And so God’s not just simply looking a good drawer in our life. He is looking for everything. He should be the first and foremost position in our life!

And so, where is God in our life? Have we taken that refreshment of repentance and baptism – and not just delegate to a part of our life – but really, to take heart – take Acts, chapter 3, verse 19 to heart – and make Him our life? God is our life. Without God, we wouldn’t have any of those other drawers in our life. And so we need Him absolutely and completely. And so we enter a new agreement with Him – establish a covenant with Him in baptism and repentance – and so that we have that covenant – a new covenant is the way it’s described throughout the Bible. We enter a new covenant with God. And it’s interesting. If you look up that word for new covenant, it ties into this whole idea of restoration and refreshment, because it means to be a fresh covenant – a new covenant, a novel idea, an unprecedented type of an agreement. And we have that opportunity to have that kind of agreement and commitment and relationship with God.

And that time of refreshment is also a challenge to us, because as the entire cabinet of our life, God is not interested in just a part-time Christianity. He doesn’t want just to decorate our lives. He wants the death of our old selves. He want us to trade in our old life and be refreshed – be a new person, be a different person – a new creation in Christ. And we can’t just be satisfied with a cheap kind of Christianity. God has us as one who should be totally and completely dedicated to Him.

Christianity is something that costs just a little bit. It costs us our entire life! God is interested in our whole life. True Christianity isn’t a cheap thing. It’s something that costs our life. And so we can have a new life. We can have refreshment. We can have renewal when we have that time of baptism and repentance. That certainly is a time of refreshment.

Now, we talked about three things that point to refreshment. There’s a second thing. A second thing is, honoring God on His day brings refreshment. Now, when you read through the Bible, we find that His day is designated as the Sabbath – Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

Now some people might think, “Well, that’s an old thing. That’s not refreshment. That’s an old worn out Jewish kind of thing. But, you know, it’s not. There is a powerful passage in the book of Hebrews that points to this very day as being a day of refreshment. It’s over in Hebrews, chapter 4, and verse 8. Let’s notice that passage in Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 8. It says very clearly:

Hebrew 4:8 – For if Joshua had given them rest – talking about ancient Israel coming into the Promised Land – it says: God would not speak later about another day. So they had a little respite in the Promised Land, but there was something more to come. So it goes on in verse 9 – and it says:

V-9 – So then, a Sabbath rest still remains for the people of God. A rest remains for the people of God – a sabbatismos ­– is the Greek word there for rest. And it means, literally, a Sabbath rest – resting on the Sabbath day. And what does it say about it? It still remains! It is still recognized as a day of refreshment for God’s true people. And it goes on in verse 10:

V-10 – For those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors, as God did from His. So let us make every effort to enter that rest, so no one may fall short through such disobedience as theirs. We don’t want to be like those ancient Israelites.

And so that very verse points back to the Sabbath and its creation itself. It reminds us of what it says back there in Exodus 31 – that God made the Sabbath. He made heaven and earth and then, on the seventh day, what did He do? Well, you read Exodus 31, verse 17. It’s very clear. He made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day, He rested. And it’s also interesting that passage says, “He was refreshed.” He was energized. He was invigorated. And it was very good!

And so, the Sabbath itself is one of those times of refreshment. So, if you don’t keep the Sabbath, find out about it. Find out why it’s God’s day of refreshment. And boy, in this world, we need a refreshing time in our lives.

Now, of course, that brings us to the third aspect of refreshment. And this one – similar to the restoration – also looks forward. It looks forward to a time when Jesus Christ will return. That will truly be a time of refreshment – a time that’s shown – pictured – in the plan of God – symbolized in the biblical holy days, especially as we get to the fall festivals – at least, in the northern hemisphere – those that happen in September or October – especially point to this time of refreshing that comes with the return of Christ.
I mean, be honest. As we look around ourselves, do we really believe that this world can continue? Do we really believe that terrorism can just go on and, somehow, we’re going to be able to keep a lid on all these things? Do we really believe that things are going to get better in and of and by themselves? I mean, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know it can’t continue this way. It just cannot! Man has never been able to figure out a true way to peace. We need the return of Christ. And, in fact, there are so many passages that point to that very time – when Christ will return and the restoration will be established and there will be refreshment. There’s a powerful prophecy that’s found in the book of Zechariah. Zechariah, chapter 14, is one of the great prophecies about the return of Christ. And it describes how Jesus Christ is going to return, and He will touch down on the Mount of Olives, and it will be an awesome time! There will be earthquakes. There will be, then, rivers of living water that will flow from Jerusalem. And there will be true peace. And, in fact, it also points to the time of refreshing when it says this in verse 16 of Zechariah, chapter 14. It says:

Zechariah 14:16 – And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left – of all the nations which came against Jerusalem – shall go up from year to year to worship the King – the LORD of hosts – and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

There is a time in the future when the whole world will keep the Feast of Tabernacles. It can’t help but remind you about those holy days – those biblical festivals – that are mentioned all the way back in Leviticus, chapter 23. And what it says us about the Feast of Tabernacles? It tells us to rejoice before the LORD your God seven days. It’s pointing to the very fact that we should be rejoicing! And, in a way, God is commanding us to be refreshed.

The Feast of Tabernacles and God’s biblical holy days…they are a way we can get a taste of that future Kingdom. We can have a season of refreshing right now!  God has a plan, you might say, to quench our spiritual thirst. And we can begin to taste that refreshment though the keeping of the Sabbath and His biblical holy days. So we’ve got to take that opportunity, then, to be refreshed – to be restored, to be reshaped and rejuvenated by God through His word – through the messages that He gives us – we have that opportunity. So what a blessing it is to be molded, and to be formed and reshaped by God! We certainly want to take that opportunity and never forget that God has refreshing restoration in mind, not only for this world, but for each and every one of us. Let’s not forget that, just like Israel, and just like the Jews who were restored, God is going to restore this earth when Jesus Christ returns. God’s government is going to be established on this earth. That’s represented and symbolized through the biblical festivals. Right, good, healthy relationships are going to be restored. And we have those opportunities now to have that kind of refreshment – the time of refreshing that we can enter into an agreement with God at baptism and repent, and be a new creation. We can receive forgiveness from God. What an awesome blessing that is! We can be a part of the new covenant – the fresh covenant – and be literal sons and daughters of God.

So we want to take that opportunity, and take the wonderful drink of refreshment from our great God, and to take that opportunity to honor Him on the Sabbath day and during those biblical festivals.

So let’s focus on that fantastic plan of God. Let’s determine to follow God by worshipping Him on His days. Let’s be sure that we pray daily and ask God to send us restoration, to send us refreshment as never before. And you know, He loves that prayer. He wants to give us a new perspective. He wants to help us to see things differently – not just see through the lens of our trials, and our difficulties, and our tribulations, and the difficulties out in this world. He wants to give us a fresh perspective. And so let’s be dedicated to live more Christ-like than we ever have before as we petition God for His presence in our lives. And you know, when we do that, we have the opportunity to take a healthy, powerful portion of spiritual nourishment. And, in a way, God is saying, “Refreshments, anyone?”

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