United Church of God

Rejoice With Purpose

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Rejoice with Purpose

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Rejoice With Purpose

MP3 Audio (10.29 MB)

We’re not here at the Feast of Tabernacles just to eat and drink and picture what we will have in the world tomorrow. We’re here to celebrate and rejoice and eat and drink to show how God is going to bless everybody. Everybody will be blessed. That He loves everyone. So we’re eating and we’re drinking and we’re rejoicing with a purpose, and the purpose is not to just think about ourselves.


[Fred Kellers] Well tonight – and this Feast – we're giving honor and glory and praise to God the Father and Jesus Christ for their love for all human beings and for the grace that they have given us through that sacrifice, and the love and the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. And They are watching, and this is their Feast, and they are with us. And we are here to honor and praise them and learn from their word that They have given us in righteousness and joy.

Now, I just wanted to say to those who are  and welcome also those who are listening in and watching by Webcast. I want to  I'm looking back here at this. I want you to know at home that we are not up here bouncing. Did you notice a little bouncing on that? I think it's the camera's doing a little bouncing, so I will  if it doesn't do it  well, here. There you go. (Laughter) Let's get it on.

I also want to welcome not only all of those of us who are in United Church of God but all of those who are here who are not members of the United Church of God, but came for some other reason – maybe your husband or your wife  and this was already mentioned by Mr. Aust  or maybe just convenience – that you are a member of the Church of God and you wanted to be in Panama City Beach – or you have family who is in United, and you've met here. Whatever reason, thank you for coming. Thank you for coming to worship God with us. We just appreciate you being with us and, you know, we don't take up an offering normally every Sabbath, but we are going to take up one tomorrow. And you might say, well, why are we going to take up one tomorrow? Because you're here. You're a visitor, and we need your money. (Laughter) You know, that's  what else? All the members are turning in empty green envelopes. I'm just kidding. Just kidding. Members, don't do that.

I want to especially welcome  some of you may have been praying for Bruce Hackman, who had cancer, was on the prayer list, and he just finished six weeks of chemo and radiation. I talked to his wife, Vicki, the other day, and they said they're going to be watching. So those of you who are praying for them, you know, that they are watching along with a lot of others who are sitting at home, and we're glad to have you.

I want to mention also that even though this is being paid for by United Church of God, the fact is the true Church of God is not a denomination. It's not a corporation, is it? It's everyone who has God's Holy Spirit. So anyone who has God's Holy Spirit  and I'm not the judge  is part of the true Church of God. So we do not claim that United Church of God is the one true Church of God, but we do claim that we are part  those of us who have God's Holy Spirit  certainly hope that includes me and you  we are part of God's church.

Now, I want to remind us, just for a moment, if you think about it, all of God's Feasts, all of God's Feasts are Feasts of love, the love of God, as shown through Jesus Christ. And every one of the Feasts is how God is working Salvation through His Son, our Savior, our older brother, Jesus Christ. This Feast is no exception.

But I remind you that the Feast began with the Passover. What's the first thing that we all need? We need the blood of Jesus Christ. We need the Passover. All of us had to repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. And even as Israel in Egypt had to take a lamb and take the blood of the lamb and put it on the doorpost and on the lentil  it's not a word we tend to use a lot, but a lentil is the top bar, the top post across a door. So there would be blood on the sides and above, and the Israelites entered into a safe house, the house of God, through the blood of the lamb.

Even so, we began our salvation through the blood of the Lamb, including what is pictured by the Days of Unleavened Bread. We accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior. That's not just His death. That's His life also. But then they walked out of Egypt for seven days, and in walking out of Egypt, they did so without leaven, which pictures sin. We've got to put sin out of our lives. It does appear, and I believe, that they went through the Red Sea on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. And that's an interesting thing, because it says in 1 Corinthians 10 that that Rock that followed them was Christ. Think about it. There was a pillar of fire at night and a cloud during the day, and they were to follow the pillar. But it says that Rock followed them. Well, at that time, the pillar, which pictured Jesus Christ and His power and His leadership, did not lead them across the Red Sea. He stayed behind, and there was a pillar of fire to light the way, and in the morning they went across and there was a cloud to the Egyptians, and then He let them go through. So after all of the Israelites got across, then the pillar of fire moved across and the Egyptians could enter in, in the last watch of the night as morning was breaking. So He followed them at that moment, and He protected them.

So it's picturing a baptism, it says, in 1 Corinthians 10, and we have to accept Jesus' Passover. We are all baptized. We receive the Holy Spirit, which is pictured by the Day of Pentecost. Although, it's not called Pentecost in the Old Testament, is it? There are actually three names in the Old Testament. Most of us know two of them. It's the Feast of  anybody? Weeks. Thank you, Ms. Nancy. Anybody? What's another name? Feast of Firstfruits. Booths was Tabernacles. But for Pentecost, there's one more name almost nobody remembers. Feast of Harvest. It's called the Feast of Harvest in Exodus. Exodus 23 says you've got to keep the Feast of Harvest. And the  that was the spring harvest, and it was a grain harvest. First, the barley, and then the wheat, and it was almost finished. It started with Jesus Christ, who was the First of the Firstfruits, who was pictured by the wave sheaf that was waved on the first day of the week during the Days of Unleavened Bread.

And so He began the harvest, and the early harvest was barley. And so that first wave sheaf would have been barley, and barley was not considered a valuable grain. Wheat was considered the valuable grain. Well, Jesus Christ was not considered valuable, but the stone that was rejected became the chief cornerstone. So that was a firstfruit.

The rest of the harvest was not until the fall and began, as it did 14 days ago, with the Feast of Trumpets, because Jesus Christ will return with trumpets. And by the way, what was the fall harvest? It wasn't grain. It's the Feast of Ingathering. Thank you. But what did they ingather? What did they gather in? It wasn't grain. Fruits, yes. Thank you. Were you not quite sure of yourself, and that's the reason you said it a little quietly? I know Wayne. I've given him trouble for years. Isn't that true, starting in the seventies? Okay. It's been a good ride for me. (Laughter)

And so we come up to the Feast of Trumpets; Jesus Christ returns with trumpets. And then we have the Day of Atonement, and we rejoiced without food and pictured when Jesus returns. The whole earth will have its sins atoned for, everybody. And satan will be bound for a thousand years.

And then we come to the Feast of Tabernacles, which we are here to celebrate a Feast that shows that God loves all people. He loves all people, as was mentioned. I usually keep the Feast in Africa, and I'm going through an Africa withdrawal, because I miss going to Africa. But I'm here with five  we're here with five of our nine – grandchildren, so that certainly makes up for it.

Now, I know all of you grandparents will agree with me when I say this. All grandchildren are above average; isn't that true? Yes. All grandchildren are above average. And so my children  my grandchildren are all above average. We have four not here. But we're here to enjoy them.

But, you know  and I know you know this  we're not here celebrating something that really applies as much to us as it  it does apply to us  as it does to all people. God loves all Africans, all people in South America, everybody in India and China. He loves all people, and this Feast, along with the other Feasts  this Feast tells us that God loves all people. And we'll get to the eighth day, which says that God loves all people  all people. Not just all people, but all people. All people. Everybody. Living and dead, God loves them all. Everyone.

So we're not here just to eat and drink and picture what we will have in the world tomorrow. We're here to celebrate and rejoice and eat and drink to show how God is going to bless everybody. Everybody will be blessed. That He loves everyone. So we're eating and we're drinking and we're rejoicing with a purpose, and the purpose is not to just think about ourselves. And you know that, but we've got to remind ourselves. Yeah. It's fun to be with people. It's fun to see old friends. Fun to see people you knew from other areas, to fellowship and rejoice and go out and eat and drink.

One year I gained  let's see, it was about 21 years ago  or 20 years ago. And up in the Dells, I gained 10 pounds. You know they've got that cheese and that sausage. And I would come back to the house, and we had a little 1 year old granddaughter with us, our oldest, Cheyenne, who's here. And I'd come back  before we'd go to lunch, I'd slice a piece of that beef sausage and a piece of that Wisconsin cheese, and I'd have one in one hand and one in the other, and then we'd go eat. And then we'd come back after afternoon services, and I would  I would take the cheese and the sausage, and I'd put them in my left hand. And then in my right hand, I would have a  a green bottle that came from Germany. Das ist sehr gut. Danke schon, Deutschland. (That is very good. Thanks much, Germany.) And I gained 10 pounds. Now, 5 of it went away right away, you know, in a few weeks, but the other 5 took a while. So we're not just here to get fat. Well, a little bit. But we're here to rejoice in all people when Jesus Christ returns.

I want to turn to Revelation 19:11 14, and we'll start in verse 11.

Revelation 19:11  Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.

Now, there have been righteous wars on this earth. I consider World War II a righteous war, that it was done in righteousness, and it was done in justice. And I've been to Auschwitz and seen  no, it was a different one. (Dachau) Anyway, when I lived in Germany as a boy, and I lived there three years, so I've seen it. We've gone past it. I've seen the sign that said Arbeit macht frei, that is "work makes free," and it was a righteous war. But Jesus Christ will have a perfectly righteous war. It won't be a question should we do this. There won't be a question among all the people should we do this. He will war in absolute righteousness, and He will ask the angels and the saints to war with Him. In righteousness He judges and makes war.

V.12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.

V.13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God. 

Same thing that John mentioned in 1 John.

V.14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.

I want to drop down to chapter 20 verses 1 4.

Revelation 20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit 

Now, the word is abyssion, and it doesn't mean it doesn't have a bottom. Some of you who are a little older, you would realize that Li'l Abner  there was a bottomless pit there in Li'l Abner, and  is Li'l Abner  I don't read the cartoon, so I don't think it's on anymore, is it? It's in the paper? So a lot of you have no clue as to who Li'l Abner and Daisy are; is that right? Except maybe some of the guys know what daisy shorts are, something like that. But by the way, Li'l Abner fell off in it one time. Mammy ran down the trail and grabbed him as he went by to the bottomless pit. But it's a great abyss.

Revelation 20:1 (Cont'd) and a great chain in his hand.

V.2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 

That's pictured by that fit man who took the azazel goat, the goat that escaped into the wilderness as explained in Leviticus 16.

V.2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

V.3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

V.4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus, and for the Word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. 

So there was a martyrdom and there will be a martyrdom yet to come for some saints, and some will lose their heads, and they will be in God's kingdom, and they will rule, because they did not love their lives to death, and they followed the example of their Savior Jesus Christ. Although getting your head cut off would be a whole lot easier than what Jesus went through. I would certainly prefer that. Certainly prefer that.

I dreamed one night that I was being martyred. They were gathering up Christians in a square, and they were going to have a nurse kill us all with  and that's a true dream. I actually dreamed this. They're going to kill us with a hypodermic needle with some sort of, you know, chemical in there. And I thought, man, this is just too easy. Wow, this is so easy. Just go up, get a shot, and drop over, and you're in the kingdom. No pain. I like that better than getting my head cut off. Nobody wanted to go up, and I said, "Well, I don't care." And I walked up to the nurse. I said, "I'll go first." And the thought crossed my mind to turn around to all the people who were watching, and say, "Well, I hope this is a clean needle. I wouldn't want to spread any diseases." (Laughter)

And then it crossed my mind, Fred, you idiot, this is your last chance to give glory to God, and all you can do is think of making a joke. And yet you think about it. That is a chance that is giving God glory for those who will die for him, who will give their lives for Jesus Christ.

I want to turn to Zechariah 14. These are scriptures that we know so very very well.  Zechariah 14. You may have others during this Feast who will read in Zechariah 14, and it's talking about Jesus Christ returning, setting up His kingdom, God's kingdom, the kingdom of the Father, the kingdom of God. The gospel that we preach is the kingdom of God. In chapter 14, we'll begin in verse 1.

Zechariah 14:1 Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst.

V.2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 

So here is the beginning of the kingdom of God, the day of the Lord. Verse 3.

V.3 Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle.

We already read in the book of Revelation how He's going to return to war in righteousness.  As he fights in the day of battle.

V.4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south.

V.5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, for the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Yes, you shall flee as you fled from the earthquakes in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Thus the Lord my God will come, and all the saints with You.

Wow. Now, the reason He creates that valley is not just so people can flee. But there's a very good reason. He's about to have water flow out of Jerusalem and out of the temple. But there's a problem. If the temple mound just had water flow out of it, the valleys on all sides of it flow towards the Mediterranean. None of it would flow to the east toward the dead sea. And yet it says it's going to flow both ways toward the Mediterranean and towards the Dead Sea, and the Dead Sea will become a living sea. Well, there's a hill in the way. It's really not a mountain. The Mount of Olives, it's more like a nice ridge running along. But if you split it from north to south and you have an east west valley, you have a place where a river can run out and go down into the Dead Sea.

So he's got a good purpose there for doing that. He says, going down to verse 8:

V.8 And in that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea  that's the Dead Sea  and half of them toward the western sea; in both summer and winter it shall occur.

V.9 And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be "The Lord is one, and His name one." 

Then he talks about doing some arranging of the topography, and He talks about how He's going to fight that battle. He goes back and gives some detail, starting in verse 12.

V.12 And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:  Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongue shall dissolve in their mouths.

If you saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark," they did sort of that when this man opened up the ark, and he looked in, and it was beautiful, and then he melted. They said they did that with wax. They took different colored wax, and they made an image of this man, and his bones and everything, and they put heat to it, and it melted. How many of you remember that? Kind of an interesting thought of the way  one of the ways that God's going to fight. More than one way.

V.13 It shall come to pass in that day that a great panic from the Lord will be among them. Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor, and raise his hand against his neighbor's hand.

So these are the ones who don't melt. They  He lets them just fight each other and kill each other.

V.14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem. And the wealth of all the surrounding nations shall be gathered together; gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance.
Then he goes back to tell a little more of the plagues that are going to happen.

V.15 Such also shall be the plague on the horse and the mule, on the camel and the donkey, and on all the cattle that will be in those camps. So shall this plague be.

V.16 And it shall come to pass  now, this is verse 16, a verse that basically God's people know very well. And there may be some people here who are not familiar with it, so I  I tell people, my neighbors, that we'll be going up to keep  or going down to keep a Feast, church festival, the Feast of Tabernacles. They look at me a little strange sometimes. These are people who are churchgoers. They think Feast of Tabernacles? What is that?

And I say, Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles in John 7, and they look. Really? And I say you can find more about it in Zechariah 14 where everybody will keep it. Oh, okay. I don't know that anybody's ever taken me up on looking at it, but notice verse 16.

V.16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

Right now people don't keep the Feast of Tabernacles. God's not doing anything. He's allowing that. He had Israel keep it. Jesus kept it. It will be kept in the world tomorrow, and it will be kept forcibly, forcibly. Because it says in verse 17:

V.17 It shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain.

Well, that's not a big problem for Egypt. They just don't get a lot of rain anyway. They probably do down in the Delta some. But basically, they live off of the Nile River, and they get their water out of that. So if they get no rain, they're okay with it. But notice verse 18 mentions them specifically.

V.18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

God isn't doing that now, and you see how many people are keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. Very, very few, very few. There are other groups that keep it, but they're even  if you take everybody on earth who keeps the Feast of Tabernacles, it's a pretty small percentage, isn't it?

V.19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

I want to say that  to say thank you. Let me say you have made a sacrifice to be here this week. You saved money all year. Somebody may have even lost a job. You had to arrange for your work, if you didn't lose a job, and it could be upsetting to some employers. Other employees could be saying, "Why is he getting off," or "She getting off?" So there were some sacrifices made by you in faith. It took faith for you.
Now, it took less faith for me. My employer wants me to be here. (Laughter) They want me to be here. They expect me to be here. So I had no problem. But some of you have had, I'm sure, a real problem in getting the time. You had to make plans.

You had to get  many of you get kids out of school, and that took some effort for many of you. I dare say some of you got some grief from some teachers or administrators at school because of you taking this time. So let me just say, I give you honor too for doing that, for the sacrifices that you have made, and for the faith that you have shown to get the time, and we appreciate you being here. It's a great joy.

At one time there were over 100 thousand people keeping it. And now I don't know how many, but there's a big difference  now, I'm not just talking about United Church of God. There are other groups that are keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. I give them honor. We respect them for it. We are thankful that there are others, other denominations that keep the Sabbath, that keep God's festivals, that look in the Bible. But if you take everybody, there's not that many worldwide. But I  we give honor to them all. We give honor to all of those people who are obeying God. And I know you do. We should feel that they are our brothers and sisters. They may not feel we're their brothers and sisters, but we hope they do. We would like for them to.

And I want to turn also  check my watch. Can hardly see it in this light. I don't see a hook yet. So Isaiah 11. Well, things have gotten so that we are  we're so prepared, and it's good. I'm  I realize the reason, but we have to put our sermons together ahead of time. We have a teleconference. We send our notes. We pretty much know where we're going. That way it doesn't happen that has happened to me one time in Gatlinburg years ago. It was United. And I was giving the last sermon on the eighth day, and Rick Bingham got up in the morning and gave my sermon just about verse for verse. So we  we prepare now so we all know what we're going to speak on. And with a  and, you know, there's some wiggle room if somebody  if something hits somebody. But we try not to step on each other's sermons.

But I used to get up  I don't know if any of you were ever at a Feast site where I got up, and I said, "I'd like to hear from you your favorite Feast of Tabernacles scripture, your favorite World Tomorrow scripture." I did that in Jekyll Island years ago and maybe up in Quebec or some other place. Were any of you there that I remember? Did I cause all of those people to fall away? (Laughter) I guess so. But I just said, "What's your favorite verse?" And they would say what it was. I have said even if you don't know where it is, say it out. I can find it. And we just went through. And then I'd say, "How many of you  " that's your favorite verse.

More people raised their hand  by the way, that's what you call a real lazy sermon  so I thought maybe I should just show up at services and say, "Who's got a good subject that we should  oh, that's a good subject. Who has a verse for it?" That would be  doesn't that sound like fun? I've done it, so  but more people would raise their hands and say their favorite Feast of Tabernacles World Tomorrow scripture is Isaiah 11. So let's read Isaiah 11. And I, being first, I get to be the one to read it.

Isaiah 11:1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of His roots.
V.2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. 

Who's this talking about? You know. Jesus Christ; is that right? Our Savior, our Messiah, our King. The older you get, the less you want to be in charge of things. And I just  I just want Him to be in charge. I don't want you to be in charge. I don't want to be in charge. I've done enough damage in my lifetime already, when I was in charge. I just don't want to do anymore. I want somebody there that if I don't know the answer, I can ask. And it can go up the line to Jesus Christ, who will always have the answer. Why? Because He has the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. That's a good fear.

V.3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord.

Now, we don't have to fear God as long as we obey Him. But we have to fear to disobey. That's always good. God does offer the carrot and the stick, and the carrot is wonderful: The promise of the kingdom of God, just like Jesus Christ who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. So there was the joy set before Him, but he also knew not to disobey His Father.

V.3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord. And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears.

Every now and then they're getting guys out of prison, because they were put there by people who saw and heard and made judgments by what they saw and heard. And He won't judge that way. Because He will know all the facts and He will know something even more than the facts. He will know what is in everyone's heart, what is in that person's heart. And that's the most important thing for judging. What is in that person's heart? And He'll know. So He doesn't judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears.

V.4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor.

You know, we have got the best legal system in the world that money can buy. If you've got the money, then you can buy the attorneys that can do almost miracles. But if you're poor and you don't have that and you have a public defender who's got far too many cases than he can handle, no problem in the world tomorrow. No problem.

V.4 Because with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equality for the meek of the earth. He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.

V.5 Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, and faithfulness the belt of His waist.

V.6 "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."

Notice it doesn't say the lion will lie down with the lamb. We always see  my wife collects the lion and the lamb motifs. But it doesn't say the lion's going to lie with the lamb at all, does it? See. It says the wolf shall dwell with the lamb. Now, why doesn't it say the lion? Because the lions are eating those little fellows like popcorn. You know, one will say to the other, "I bet you can't eat this one." No, I'm kidding. I'm joking. Joking. I know it wasn't a good joke. That's like a lot of my jokes. My wife says that, oh, over 90 percent of my jokes are offensive. Well, that leaves a lot. (Laughter)

Okay. And a little child shall lead them. Isn't that sweet? Isn't that wonderful to think of? A little child shall lead them.

V.7 The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. Not lambs.

V.8 The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den.  I think that will still bother mommy.

V.9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

I encourage you during this week to make sure that we stay close to God. That you pray. If God came down, and He said, "I'm going to give everybody a thousand dollars for every day at the Feast that you pray an hour," He'd be giving away a lot of money, wouldn't He? You know, we'd say, "Boy." We'd even have our kids out praying. I'd have my grandkids. No. "This is for your college education. Get down or your knees. Let's keep going. You haven't gotten to an hour yet." You know. Yeah. I'm  telling your wife, "I know that Mikey's only 1 year old, but that's okay. I know Susy's, just six months, but she needs to be garbling a little bit here to God."

So do remember to pray, and have a good time with each other. Ask God to protect us from satan for these eight days that we have, to protect us from accident and harm. And ask God to grant inspiration and wisdom to to both Mr. Aust as directing it and all the others who were serving. Do remember to pray for them. Pray for God to bless our health, so we don't have a lot of sickness.
Have a great and wonderful Feast. Welcome to God's Feast of Tabernacles. 

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