United Church of God

Remember Your Why (Part 2)

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Remember Your Why (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (46.94 MB)


Remember Your Why (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (46.94 MB)

In the last message we examined the importance of allowing our WHY to define our HOW and our WHAT. These are the processes and the results of what drives us, or motivates us. When we consider the answer to the question, "Why do you want to be a part of God's Kingdom?", chances are good that your response revolved around helping others to understand what God has offered to you today. What you have been given now. His Way of Life. The Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 are the pouring out of the mind and heart of Messiah as He considered the world in which His disciples lived. It is here that He instructs His disciples on the mindset of the Kingdom, and of His teaching on how to live the Kingdom today. In part 2, we'll examine the HOW and WHAT, which should extend from our WHY. The attitudes which should drive our actions and fruits of our lives.

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