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MP3 Audio (10.9 MB)

Sometimes we forget who we serve and we need to understand at some level who God is, His power, and purpose.

Sermon Notes



We are asked to remember many things in life.  God has told us to remember important things.


Duet. 7:17


Remember well what the Lord did in Egypt.  Remember to what he did to Pharaoh in Egypt.  Sometimes we forget who we serve.  We need to understand at some level who God is, His power and purpose.


Psalms 77:11 --> Remember the works of the Lord.  I will meditate on all of your works.  We have to talk about God and His greatness.


Duet 6:20 --> When your son asks why we do things, what do we say to them?  We need to teach them all of the time.  We want them to have a relationship with God.


God can become small to us.  We ask where is this awesome and powerful God.


Listen to Bob Dick's sermons from Bend, OR


When a person is truly meek, it is because there is relationship with God and a trust in Him, that we are walking with Him.


Neh. 4:


Luke 22:19 Do this in remembrance of me.  Remembering does result in some type of action.


Do you remember where you came from?


Rom. 5:8 God demonstrates his own love while we were still sinners.


Eph. 2:11

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