United Church of God

Rivers of Living Water: Will God Fix Environmental Problems on Planet Earth?

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Rivers of Living Water

Will God Fix Environmental Problems on Planet Earth?

MP3 Audio (12.34 MB)


Rivers of Living Water: Will God Fix Environmental Problems on Planet Earth?

MP3 Audio (12.34 MB)

God's prophetic word tells us of His plans to revitalize the desert places of planet earth. These promises give us an inspiring example of the spiritual revitalization He is currently working out among humanity.


Rivers of Living Water

When I first became interested in God (or rather, when God first reached out to me) I was not a spiritually minded person… but I did have an interest in what I considered practical matters. I looked at the world around me and saw lots of things that seemed broken… things that needed fixing.

I considered the Bible to be all about otherworldly matters… not very much related to what was going on in the world around me. But then I didn’t really know the word of God and I especially hadn’t heard about any prophecies regarding what would happen once Christ returned to earth. I assumed, like most, that the bible was trying to explain how people could escape the world… in their minds at first … then later to fly away to heaven… but nothing offering any plan for this world.

I Had a Lot to Learn

It was a long time ago but I remember God grabbed my attention with an article written in one of the Church of God publications about restoring the earth’s deserts back to useful and productive lands that would benefit humanity. I liked the idea that Bible prophecies actually took into account the changes and repair work needed to fix problems on planet earth.

I had never really heard of such an idea before…

Later I learned that God’s more important work is spiritual in nature. I learned that our creator is working to restore humanity to Himself… to fix and repair us… and fix and repair our relationship to Him  (we’ll talk about that at length as we approach the upcoming spring Holy Days). I know He has begun the process of restoring me to Himself and building me up into the fullness of Christ… And He has given me His promise He will continue that work until it’s completed (unless I refuse to let Him). Still, turning the deserts of the world into lush farms and gardens has a lot of appeal for me.

Revitalizing Deserts on Planet Earth

Planet earth has plenty of desert and arid land. After the polar desert of Antarctica, the Sahara is the second largest at 9,000,000 square km. Right next to the Sahara are the Arabian Desert (2,330,000 km2) and the Syrian Desert (520,000 km2). The Middle East contains a lot of serious wasteland areas!

Here are just 3 places in scripture where God tells us He intends to revitalize the desert places in the future: Isaiah 35:5-8, 41:17-20, 44:3-6. In each of these promises, God speaks of an actual physical restoration of land, streams, plants, and animals. He provides a vivid and easy-to-understand scenario all of us can picture in our minds… and He pinpoints the key ingredient needed… streams of water

Revitalizing People

Also, in each set of these future-oriented verses, God mentions the restoration of dry and lifeless deserts. And He speaks to the restoration of humanity… physical and spiritual. The eyes of the blind will see, the deaf ears will hear, the lame will leap and run, the poor and needy will be satisfied… yet we also are told about a highway of holiness people can walk in, a humanity who consider and understand the reality and power of God, and the holy spirit of God which will be poured out upon them.

To fix and repair humanity God pinpoints the key ingredient needed… the Holy Spirit… and it is like a stream of living water.

John 4:5-15 … just like we read in Romans 6:23 (and many other places) the GIFT of God is eternal life. Meaning you don’t have eternal life or an immortal soul… you only GET life everlasting if and when God GIVES it to you. Plus, once you have this life-giving water you won’t have to keep coming back to the well to get more. Just as God IS life… (meaning He does not get His life from some other life-giving source, He is not dependent on anything in this universe for the life he has)… just as God is life… you can be too! 

John 7:37-39 here’s the verse that explains clearly that water is meant as a metaphor… an idea that’s easy for us to understand. Even the child can understand that they need water (if they don’t get it they start crying)… we adults understand that if we do not have water BAD things happen. We need water to live… we can only go so many days without it.

The rule of threes: (from livescience.com) a human being can last about 3 weeks without food, but only about 3 days without water, 3 hours without heat, 3 minutes without air. (some few have lasted up to 10 days – not recommended). The human body is 65% water… so it’s essential to humans. Water flows through the blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells and flushing wastes out of our bodies. It cushions our joints and soft tissues. Without water as a routine part of our intake, we cannot digest or absorb food…

Water is a key ingredient for physical life… it’s a common and easy idea we can understand and personally relate to (everyone has been thirsty)… so, it’s an excellent way to help us think about the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit…

Let’s Strip Out the Metaphors..

Romans 8:11 That’s what scripture says with all metaphors and word picture stuff stripped away. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving power. It comes from God… it’s the same power that was used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead. And for those who have believed and been baptized into Christ… God has put that life-giving power in you now as a down payment on what is to come…

What is to come is a time is Eternal Life

In the not too distant future, you will be given permanent life, that means it will be life that is in you… not coming from somewhere else but like God, it will be in you. If you refer back to the example Christ gave… “you won’t have to go down to the spiritual well every day and haul up a big bucket to keep yourself alive beyond 3 days”… LB But the water I give them,'' he said, ``becomes a perpetual spring within them, watering them forever with eternal life.''

Back To The Deserts…

I still hope humanity will be able to revitalize some of the planet’s desert lands in our time through technology and intellect, and I know God will certainly revitalize the deserts after Christ returns. Its more than just a mental metaphor… the deserts will be revitalized… it will be a living, vivid demonstration for all to witness…

But without the spiritual renewal of the people living in those days… humanity will simply have more lands to fight over and greener places to oppress and abuse one another.

To me, humanity’s desire to bring life to places like the Sahara, the Kalahari, the Gobi deserts reflects the mind of God… a glimpse of how human beings are created in the image of God, with a built-in curiosity for the things of God. And for the spiritually minded such practical projects are an object lesson in how lifeless things can be given life.

When Christ returns the prophecies of streams of living waters coming to the barren places of the earth unfold on a massive scale… It seems reasonable to me that He [Christ and the bride who is with Him] will direct and empower the project(s) but the experience of doing will be given to the flesh and blood people… Why? so they too can use this simple example to consider their personal need for the power of the Holy Spirit in them… to give them eternal life.

We Don’t Have To Stop At The Desert

Beyond planet earth… the universe is ours. What about the restoration of distant planets, solar systems, galaxies and more.

Genesis 1:26-28 now humanity currently given dominion over planet earth

Romans 8:16-24 the vast universe is out there… lifeless & barren… waiting for the children of God to revitalize and bring life to it.

Hebrews 2:6-8 all things = includes the entire universe… if earth is currently under humanity’s feet (dominion) then this promise is for MORE stuff beyond the earth ie. the universe!

Hebrews 2:9-11 Christ is already there… the one who goes on before the rest… the pioneer… the first among many, the first of the firstfruits, He is already there… waiting for you… waiting for us to join. Christ has already inherited the universe, how about you?

Does This Sound Weird To You?

It’s an idea so audacious that when you clearly articulate it… people think you are crazy… as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. 1 Corinthian 2:9-10.

From the time of Adam until now this has been the plan of God… most do not believe this amazing teaching… you probably won’t hear it at the church down the street… but it’s the message from the word of God… the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Let's finish up with a couple of final scriptures:

Revelation 21:6

Revelation 22:16-19

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