United Church of God

Sagacious Development

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Sagacious Development

MP3 Audio (18.42 MB)


Sagacious Development

MP3 Audio (18.42 MB)

As we strive for the wisdom of God, the ancient sayings the Eternal has given us in His Scriptures guides us in our every day lives and develops us towards His future kingdom. We will search the word of God to define how we are to conduct ourselves for the rest of eternity.

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  • brendawa
    Dear Dan, I found your sermons a while ago now and I enjoy them very much. I can hear the passion in your voice and can hear that our GREAT GOD is Working in you. Thank you so much for the inspiration. May God bless you and your family. Brenda
  • Dan McGee
    Hi Brenda, Thank you for your comments, they are greatly appreciated. Let us all continue to do the work of God in whatever capacity HE see's fit for us to serve Him. Be well, Dan
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