United Church of God

Satan's Secret Weapon: The Weaponizing of Fear

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Satan's Secret Weapon

The Weaponizing of Fear

MP3 Audio (47.12 MB)


Satan's Secret Weapon: The Weaponizing of Fear

MP3 Audio (47.12 MB)

We are vulnerable to Satan's weapon of fear. Be strong, be of good courage, and trust in the Lord God.

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  • lisabee
    100% yes! Fear of man is the strongest motivator for forced compliance. People will bow to the lie, even knowing it’s a lie so they aren’t persecuted or intimidated by men. Everywhere in the news and media this s weaponizing of fear is being used as propaganda. I see it in my local paper. When you dare to stand up and say you do not fear, you are attacked and called many many unsavory things and many times are told you do not love others because you aren’t succumbing to the fear mongering. This year has shown me how fearful people truly are. And why we are warned that our brothers and sisters will turn on us—even in the church. Thank you for reminding us to stand strong and be bold.
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