United Church of God

Sermon Search

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Sermon Search

Displaying 61 - 80 of 514.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Servant Leaders as Kings, Priests, and Judges David Mills October 9, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Going on Forward After the Feast David Mills October 2, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Atonement: A Day of Reconciliation and Satan Bound David Mills September 16, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
The Jubilee: Debt to Sin Paid in Full Thomas Bulharowski September 11, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Coming Soon: Atonement With God for All Nations David Mills September 11, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Feast of Trumpets and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ David Mills September 7, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Let Us Go up to Keep the Feast David Mills September 4, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Despise Not the Day of Small Things David Mills August 14, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
What God Requires for Justice to Prevail Ken Martin August 7, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Lawlessness: The Rise of the Wicked Ken Martin August 4, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Only God Can Deliver on His Promises Ken Martin July 25, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
What We Miss Regarding God's Love Ken Martin July 20, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Learning to Wait on God David Mills July 10, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Remembering Our Christian Heritage: 1776 From God's Point of View Ken Martin July 3, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
As It Was in the Days of Lot Ken Martin June 26, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Proper Fear in the Presence of God Ken Martin June 19, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Encouraging One Another All the More David Mills June 12, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
How Important Are Our Words?: Ken Martin June 12, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
Blessed Are Our Eyes: For They See David Mills June 5, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
How Important Are the Words We Speak? Ken Martin June 5, 2021 Columbus, GA; Central Georgia
