United Church of God

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Sermon Search

Displaying 1 - 20 of 62.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Limited to Limitless Craig Clark June 1, 2024 Freeland, MI
Calamity Christopher Shude October 14, 2023 Freeland, MI
Should Christians Observe the New Moon Christopher Shude December 10, 2022 Freeland, MI
A Band of Brethren Craig Clark December 3, 2022 Freeland, MI
Children of God Christopher Shude November 12, 2022 Freeland, MI
Wandering Through the Millennium Craig Clark November 5, 2022 Freeland, MI
A New Beginning Craig Clark October 22, 2022 Freeland, MI
A Memorial of Teruah: The Feast of Trumpets, Shout With a Loud Shout - Ruah Teruah - a Battle Cry of War Christopher Shude September 10, 2022 Freeland, MI
God's Joy Stratgey Christopher Shude July 23, 2022 Freeland, MI
The Deeds of Banaiah and You - Part 1 Christopher Shude March 12, 2022 Freeland, MI
The Third Commandment - Part 1: The Importance of Names Craig Clark March 5, 2022 Freeland, MI
Sowing and Reaping Christopher Shude February 12, 2022 Freeland, MI
Sigh, Cry, and Esteem Craig Clark January 14, 2022 Freeland, MI
Looking Forward - 2022 Craig Clark January 1, 2022 Freeland, MI
Looking Back - 2021 Craig Clark December 25, 2021 Freeland, MI
Celebration of Life: Our Impact on the People of the World Craig Clark December 4, 2021 Freeland, MI
Thriving in an Evil World Richard W Beadle October 23, 2021 Freeland, MI
The Life of Abraham - Part 6: The Final Years & the Legacy He Left for All of Us to Follow Steven Shafer July 17, 2021 Freeland, MI
The Life of Abraham - Part 5: The Conclusion of His Formative Years Steven Shafer June 12, 2021 Freeland, MI
The Life of Abraham - Part 4: His Formative Years Continued Steven Shafer May 8, 2021 Freeland, MI
