United Church of God

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Sermon Search

Displaying 301 - 320 of 384.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Husbands Love Your Wives: How Do Men Do This? Fred Reeves July 22, 2017 Portland, OR
Family Integrity: God Created the Family Rex Sexton July 15, 2017 Portland, OR
Key Elements of Marriage: Do's and Don'ts for Married Couples Robert Dick July 8, 2017 Portland, OR
The Missing Dimension in Marriage: Part 4 of Series on Marriage Rex Sexton July 1, 2017 Portland, OR
Maxims for Husbands and Fathers: What Is Rule Robert Dick June 17, 2017 Portland, OR
Advice to Youth: Morals and Character Rex Sexton June 10, 2017 Portland, OR
Message to Ephesus: Remembering Your Firstworks Fred Reeves June 3, 2017 Portland, OR
God Uses Human Variety: How God Uses People to Accomplish His Purpose Rex Sexton May 27, 2017 Portland, OR
The Spirit of Pentecost: Mt Sinai and Pentecost Rex Sexton May 20, 2017 Portland, OR
Perfect Character: What Is Perfection? Rob Slocum May 13, 2017 Portland, OR
The Teachings of Jezebel: Still With Us Today Rex Sexton April 29, 2017 Portland, OR
Where Is the True Church?: How Does One Find It? Rex Sexton April 22, 2017 Portland, OR
The Meanings Behind the Spring Holy Days: The Beginning of the Plan of God Fred Reeves April 17, 2017 Portland, OR
God Became Man so Man Can Become God: The Chief Cornerstone Rex Sexton April 17, 2017 Portland, OR
True Repentance: Sin and Foregiveness Ken Loucks April 15, 2017 Portland, OR
Reverse Engineering 1 Corinthians: Understanding the Beginning From the End Robert Dick April 11, 2017 Portland, OR
Reconciliating Man to God: Last Days of Jesus Rex Sexton April 8, 2017 Portland, OR
Keys to Personal Growth Ken Loucks March 31, 2017 Portland, OR
Parable of the Talents: Moral Truth Rob Slocum March 25, 2017 Portland, OR
Hebrews: Then and Now: To Whom Was the Book of Hebrews Written? Rex Sexton March 18, 2017 Portland, OR
