United Church of God

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Sermon Search

Displaying 241 - 260 of 297.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Spiritual Vision Gary Petty December 29, 2012 San Antonio, TX
The Spirit of Baal Gary Petty December 22, 2012 San Antonio, TX; Austin, TX
Does God’s Spirit Motivate Us? Gary Petty December 15, 2012 San Antonio, TX
What Are We Going to Be Like in the Resurrection? Gary Petty December 8, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Faith, Part 4: Enemy of Faith #3 - Worry/Anxious Care Ken Thomson December 1, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 7: Agape Gary Petty November 24, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 6: Happiness Is a Serious Problem Gary Petty November 10, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 5: Peace Gary Petty October 13, 2012 San Antonio, TX
God is Involved in Your Life Charles Melear September 29, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Atonement: A Day of Great Responsibility Roger Foster September 26, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Trumpets: The Pivotal Point in Human History Ken Thomson September 17, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Trumpets: The Wrath of God Gary Petty September 17, 2012 San Antonio, TX
The Seven Seals of Revelation Gary Petty September 15, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Thy Kingdom Come Gary Petty September 8, 2012 San Antonio, TX; Austin, TX
Believe in the Gospel Gary Petty September 8, 2012 San Antonio, TX; Austin, TX
Faith, Part 3: Enemy of Faith #2 - Doubt Ken Thomson September 1, 2012 San Antonio, TX
The Truth About the Rapture Gary Petty August 25, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 4: Longsuffering Gary Petty August 11, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 3: Goodness and Gentle Kindness Gary Petty August 4, 2012 San Antonio, TX
Faith, Part 2: Enemy of Faith #1 - Human Reasoning Ken Thomson July 21, 2012 San Antonio, TX
