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MP3 Audio (29.28 MB)



MP3 Audio (29.28 MB)

Many are familiar with the idea of Satan's deception of this world. We must be aware of that fact, but we also must face the very real danger of self-deception. This is something that can be hard to confront, since it involves some very deep self-examination to see it and begin to work on it.

Book: Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box


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  • KarahanD
    Thank you Gary. I saw myself in nearly all of it. In a positive way it broke my heart. I do pray for prompts from God and then totally ignore them or leave them for later and then the moment passes. And I have blamed Him, indirectly, for not answering quick enough. I needed to hear this message and everything in it.
  • Esther
    Thank you MR. Petty for this sermon. So very true. Have seen this in my self many times.and a few times in others.
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