United Church of God

Sigh and Cry

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Sigh and Cry

MP3 Audio (55.78 MB)


Sigh and Cry

MP3 Audio (55.78 MB)

Sighing and crying, weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Bible uses these descriptors when speaking of those who have been called Each group meets with a different response by God. What is God looking for in His people?

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  • KarahanD
    My second wake up call today. I talked to God this morning about my focus and how sorry I was that it wasn't always as He wants. But thankfully He gives me a new day, a new start in which I can change my focus off me and put it on God and what He wants me to do and become. I have felt more of an urgency to pray "Your Kingdom come", so that the world can have a new beginning, a world without pain and the influence of the god of this age. I thank you for the reminder to sigh and cry over the abominations of the world, and to realise how quickly we absorb it as something to be endured and not abhorred, so that it becomes normal behaviour and the evil it is, seen as good. Keep warning us please.
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