United Church of God

Sinat Chinam (Part 1)

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Sinat Chinam (Part 1)

MP3 Audio (34.7 MB)


Sinat Chinam (Part 1)

MP3 Audio (34.7 MB)

The 9th of Av, is believed by the Jewish people to be a day that is set aside by God for national tragedy and mourning. Tisha B'av as it is called, is the day that Solomon's temple was destroyed, and the day that the Romans destroyed Herod's Temple in 70AD. If you ask the Jews the reason for the destruction of the first temple, they will tell you that it was because of their collective sins of sexual immorality, idolatry and bloodshed. But if you ask why the second temple was destroyed, they will tell you that it was because of Sinat Chinam. What is Sinat Chinam? How does the concept of Sinat Chinam extend from the nation of Israel, to the Israel of God, His Church?

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