United Church of God

The 4th Commandment and a Coming Sabbath Rest

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The 4th Commandment and a Coming Sabbath Rest

MP3 Audio (41.86 MB)


The 4th Commandment and a Coming Sabbath Rest

MP3 Audio (41.86 MB)

As you know, I have been covering the 10 Commandments… one-by-one. A few months ago, I began a discussion of the 4th Commandment and instruction to remember the Sabbath. In part 1 of that Sermon given on April 22nd, we covered a number of key points regarding the Sabbath Day. Today, we will look at Scriptures written by the Apostle Paul that are typically “twisted”… or taken out of context in an attempt to show that the 7th day Sabbath is now obsolete or changed to another day.

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