United Church of God

The Authority of God's Word

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The Authority of God's Word

MP3 Audio (19.91 MB)


The Authority of God's Word

MP3 Audio (19.91 MB)

This is a powerful message about the authority of God's word. Please bear with us during the first 6 minutes of the recording. The technical difficulties will be resolved. The wait is worth it! How can you guide a person's heart into truth when that person's heart isn't open to obedience to that truth. God's word is truth. It's the authority issue that gets to people. People don't want any authority in their life, not even God or His word. Authority gets in the way of what people want to do. Even if a person believes in most of the bible, but just like Martin Luther who did not like the book of James, even not accepting the authority of one book in God's word is enmity against God. When we set ourselves above the bible we set ourselves above God. That's exactly what Lucifer did. God's true people will accept His word. We will surrender to that authority. We yield to His authority, not just part of the bible but all of it. Jesus is the living word of God and the bible is the written word of God. It is what God would be teaching if He were here. Enjoy this lesson and reminder of authority.

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