United Church of God

The Church Is at War With Satan

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The Church is at War With Satan

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The Church Is at War With Satan

MP3 Audio (49.74 MB)

The Church of God has a mandate to: 1. expose Satan 2. warn people of his devices 3. teach them how to defend themselves


When I was born [1961] the world was in the midst of what is called the cold war. The opponents were of course the USA and the USSR. The Cold War was not a battle fought with guns [except for small scale skirmishes like Vietnam or Afghanistan]. The Cold War was a war of deception, disinformation, propaganda, and threats. Psychological warfare   geared toward wearing down the resolve of the opponent and their willingness to defend themselves.

The church of God is at war with Satan... because Satan is at war with us. Right now our conflict is like a cold war... the spiritual forces of evil which infest human governments are held back by God. However, we are warned that very close to the return of Christ that restraint will be removed. Then Satan's war with the Church will go hot.

During the 1st half of human history before Jesus first coming Satan was permitted to go about his business... quietly, behind the scenes, no one talked about him too much. But when Jesus showed up on the scene that changed.

Confronting & Exposing Satan

The ministry of Jesus was a direct confrontation with the demonic realm and Satan.

Jesus ministry began with Him facing of the most powerful temptations Satan could throw at him. After those weeks in the wilderness Jesus then spent the next 2 years preaching, healing, and casting out demons from people in Galilee and Judea. We have several detailed accounts of demonic confrontation including some of the dialog between Jesus and demonic spirits.

Jesus teachings, parables, prophecies were filled with warnings about the activities and influence of the evil one in society and the lives of individuals. Then towards the end of His ministry Jesus went toe-to-toe with the powers of spiritual wickedness in their positions of political and religious authority...calling them out as the unwitting tools of Satan. Finally, Jesus was executed facilitated by betrayal and deceit directly influenced by Satan.

Satan was out to get Jesus because Jesus was to exposing him. Jesus showed Satan for what he really was... ripped off the mask... tore away the disguise... revealed the deceptions of the evil one... and showed him as ultimately powerless before God and the power of the resurrection.

Hebrews 2:13 prior to Jesus Christ, Satan had the power of death over humanity... to oppress them with the tyranny of fear. But through Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection to indestructible life human beings no longer need to live in fear. People like you and me can drive Satan out of their lives NOW... but who will show them... who will carry on Jesus' work and expose Satan?

That mandate falls upon the Church of God which is lead by the resurrected living Christ. It is part of our job to:

  1. expose Satan, to convince or remind people of his real presence. How can people begin to effectively combat an enemy they don't even acknowledge exists.
  2. to warn people of his devices... what does Satanic activity even look like
  3. to provide people with the weapons of spiritual warfare necessary to fight back and prevail
Satan is Alive and Well... on Planet Earth

Matthew 4:8-9 all the kingdoms and governments of the world are Satan's to offer to whomever he pleases. Notice that Jesus never denies they are Satan's to give.

John 12:31 Jesus refers to Satan as a prince, high ranking position of authority but not the supreme authority [also refers to the time at the end when the war will go from a cold war to a hot war]

John 14:30 Satan referred to as prince of this world [also references his role in bringing about the execution of Jesus].

2 Corinthians 4:1-5 using the earthly authority that has been given to him, Satan has deceived the people of this world. The church's ministry is a direct confrontation to this deception. Which is why...

The Church is the #1 Target of Satan

Think of a Cold War spy... he or she is able to achieve their goals because no one knows or suspects their presence. If people know a spy has infiltrated their organization they are on-guard, more careful and wary. In the same way, Satan can accomplish his ends more effectively when people are unaware of his presence.

Yet, the Church [the effective body of Christ] is carrying on Jesus' work of exposing Satan [unless we shirk that duty]. We warn people, what he is all about, how he works, how his threats are toothless, how his promises are lies, and that there is a way out.

We make that proclamation to the unbelieving public through Beyond Today; the magazine, the broadcast, our YouTube Channel, booklets and our website. All that is made possible through the support of the membership.

Therefore, Satan's top priority is to attack undermine, discredit, and confuse the Church. Just as he did with Jesus.

You, the members of God's Church, have heeded God's into the light of truth. You have been warned of the reality of Satan's existence, made aware of His role in human history, society, and government. You have been made aware of the mass deception that covers the entire planet. You have opted out of the captivity to delusion.

But you are still under attack, because you are part of the church of God. Let's discuss some of the ways you can expect to be attacked.

3 Ways Satan Attacks The Church

Divide and Conquer

2 Corinthians 2:5-11 Paul is re-addressing the case of a person who had been kicked out of the congregation for incestuous adultery. Previously, Paul had given everyone a swift kick because they not confronting this open sinning that was taking place in the congregation.

Now, much later He is advocating forgiveness, restoring the person back into the congregation [I assume the guilty party is repentant "excessive sorrow"]. In verse 11 Paul says why "do this so Satan will not outwit us... this is one of his schemes". What sort of scheme might that be?

A small piece of God's church had been broken off... because of his own sin. Now restoration through repentance, and forgiveness were possible. But if the other members of the Church had withheld forgiveness the loss of that one small piece would be permanent and a small victory for Satan would be won [win enough small battles and you might end up winning the war].

Pieces of the Church of God are often broken apart, and scattered by a variety of means:

  1. Sometimes its a single person
  2. Sometimes its a group
  3. Sometimes the cause is sin
  4. Sometimes all it takes is gossip, rumors, or accusations.

Satan is the accuser, constantly on the prowl for ways to denounce you before God. Within the Church his purpose is to cause division, dissent, factions, doubt,suspicion, and jealousy... to divide us and to conquer.

1 Peter 5:8-9 hunting lions prey upon the weak who become separated from the herd. The support and solidarity of the church can help you resist. A scattered and divided church is a weakened church

The way to keep from being weakened by division is the generous application of forgiveness.


2 Corinthians 11:3-4 deceptive teachings can creep into the Church

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 This too is a device Satan uses to attack the Church from within

2 Timothy 3:1-5 false ideas always have an appearance of goodness. That’s how they gain a foothold, they appeal to the desires of the human mind.  But, they do not have the power of Godliness which is: life and resurrection!

False ideas and modes of thinking from society and culture seep into the church when they seep into the minds of the members and the ministry… from TV shows, books, websites, news-feeds, friend groups… ideas that seem right but are based on lies.

Satan presents himself as a messenger of truth... one who brings enlightenment. But his promises are lies. He promises that you can free yourself from all boundaries and limitations... if you don't like the rules then make new ones that you do like... if you can imagine an alternative reality you can make it happen… and people love it.

This is the sort of deception that has captivated the whole world. The Church resists it. Fights back against it. But that makes the church look stuffy, out of touch, uncool, not relevant, not willing to move with the times… if you find yourself thinking or talking along these lines… you might want to step back and think about it. Because true things, lasting things don’t change.

Reality is that God made the universe and everything in it. His universe operates by certain rules and principles. You can work within those rules, thrive and live, or you can work to redefine the rules, crash... burn... and die.

The power of suggestion

Ephesians 2:2 Satan is able to plant suggestions directly into your mind on what I suppose is a form of spiritual wavelength. Though is the precursor to action. {bad mood]

John 13:2 Satan was able to plant this thought into the mind/spirit of Judas. Not every thought is natural [not every thought is the result of cause and effect]. Some come into you from outside.

Judas gave into the thought, it must have seemed like a good idea at the time. He was not compelled against his will. We know from other things said about him that he had the proclivity. He meditated on things that were not of God. John 12:1-6 Notice that Judas deceitfully presents himself as more righteous than Jesus... as an angel of light only concerned with the welfare of the poor.

James 1:13 rather than reject the evil thought a person can choose to think it over, dwell on it, extrapolate and project what the possibilities might be... and in this way they are drawn further and further into sin.

Your Weapons

Awareness of Satan's presence, his intent and the devices He uses is a good start. But what must you do to defend yourself? Ephesian 6:10-12

The Word of God

Your most powerful weapon in this cold war of deception, intrigue, disinformation, propaganda, agitation, provocation, accusation... is the word of God. Put another way... we fight deception with truth. Believe it, know it, and do it.

Ephesians 4:7-14 in addition to public proclamation and calling the unbelieving people of this world to break free from the captivity and deception of Satan... the church works internally to help you stay free and not be taken captive yet again through instruction in the word.

Know the law... stand up for it... but also understand the application of repentance, mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation Matthew 23:23. We need both sides of the coin.

The Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 [verse 10] the ability to discern between spirits is a gift of the Holy Spirit of God. Ask God for this gift. Can you spot that angel of light who actually telling you a lie?

1 John 4:1-3 you should test the spirits... according to how the comply with the truth of scripture. John offers us a fundamental example: do they acknowledge Jesus Christ lord? But don’t stop there, test based on other fundamental doctrines. {don’t know the fundamental doctrines? Learn them, that’s how you test spirits]. Here’s an example:

Matthew 7:21-23 a person might acknowledge Christ but by His own words 'if you are a teacher of lawlessness, anomia, no law... then I disown you”.

Revelation 12:17 the Church of Jesus Christ will have both the testimony of salvation through Jesus death and resurrection... as well as the teaching of law and commandment keeping. The true church must have both sides of the coin. And Satan will make war with such a church and such people.

Read Revelation 12:7-12

We live in what may prove to be the most trying times in human history. At any moment our cold war with Satan could turn hot.We need to be prepared individually and as a church.  It is a time for every one of us to stand up for the truth, stand up for God... and stand up for the Church of God.

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